Зинаида Сибирцева
Zinaida Sibirtseva
Zinaida Leonidovna Borisyuk (Nechayeva) was born in the city of
Novokuznetsk, Kemerovo Region, in 1957. In 1976 she entered Novosibirsk Teaching Institute. She worked as a kindergarten guidance counselor, director of a politics department at a book selling establishment, ran her own business, and worked as a journalist for a local newspaper.
In December 2012 she retired, but she still works for Posevnaya School
of Arts in Cherepanovo Region.
Zinaida Sibirtseva is an amateur artist from Cherepanovo Village.
She first tried her hand at painting, when she was a mature person. Her
na ;ve and almost child-like manner of painting boasts sincerity, purity,
curiosity, simplicity, and joie de vivre. Art by Sibirtseva has been appreciated by experts of international na ;ve art festivals that explored art
by the Siberian artist. According to Zinaida Leonidovna, she is a very
na ;ve person indeed, so her paintings are equally na ;ve.
And it all started very simply, unexpectedly, and na ;vely. When she
decided to be an artist, Zinaida Borisyuk thought out a new last name
or – to be precise – creative alias «Sibirtseva», which was quite na ;ve as
well. And her transformation into a painter happened in 2004.
Originally she saw her paintings in her dreams. And she saw her
first painting in her dream as well to paint it with gouache. She even
named it «Gallery Number One». Her husband, who was the first one to
see the creation, naturally approved of it. When Zinaida completed all
the paintings she had seen in her dreams, she started seeing them in
her imagination… And she simply could not get rid of them. She had to
sit down, paint, and only then she could calm down. So within a year
the artist created nearly a hundred paintings!
Zinaida’s technique involves application of three colour layers for
them to catch on. She makes tempera with the use of yolk waiting for the
previous layer to solidify. She makes paints on her own seemingly feeling
them. And she uses cardboard for her creations. She just likes it this way.
Painting seems really rewarding to her. And it does not take anything away from her. «Once my husband and I had to deal with a challenging situation», recalls Zinaida Sibirtseva-Borisyuk – «We simply did not fit in the circumstances and lost our jobs. And it was emotionally difficult to us. And when I started painting and presented my works at my first art show, I realized it was a new beginning in my life, when I was stepping over the threshold at Kainskaya 5. The more I go forward, the more I develop emotionally. I try to communicate everything I have in
my heart to people, so that they could move on to another level and
try and give their warmth to others».
Indeed every new painting encourages something good to happen in the artist’s life. When painting, she silently describes what happens on the canvas. It was her son that suggested she should write down the stories she invents while painting or before painting.
So the current routine is: a painting is followed by a story or a poem;
another painting is again followed by a poem for children or adults
or by a story…
«I always manage to find spare time for painting. When you have
wings, you want to take off. And I always have wings. I may have just
one spare minute – at night or in the early morning – but I still use it for
painting. So my motto is «Let yourself free and get your wings»…
And she always follows the motto helping other people to become
emotionally free. That’s what Zinaida Sibirtseva – storyteller and artist
from Cherepanovo Village – is!
Adapted from a story by the journalist Maxim Kartavykh
Произведений: 109
Получено рецензий: 7
Написано рецензий: 38
Читателей: 3626
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продолжение: 1-50 51-100 101-109