Игорь Рой
And yes. We lack heroes. But, not those who get drunk on a chronicle or “light” clubs, spending the annual salary of a worker per night.
Ah, real ones. Athletes, polar explorers, honest journalists, not corrupt rock stars who don’t play for a “piece” at the corporate party, and even those who can give people a hint.
The country needs you guys.
But in general...
... I like people in great shape who go to the gym and don't post pictures from there. I like people who eat right and don’t yell about it on every corner. Like people who do not smoke, but do not climb with their advice to others. I like artists who, if they say that they are introverts, do not post a hundred stories about how they spent a starry day and in clothes from which store, but live secretly. Like Moms who really love their children, and not just rub it on social networks with a tag. Like pure geniuses who are shy of their works and creations. Like women who know the power of their beauty, but live in harmony with her, not trading in the body, like a rustling wrap to attract attention. I like closed accounts of super beautiful ladies who have nothing to prove at all. I like people who still live for themselves, go on vacation and are silent about how they drank champagne and kissed somewhere in Milan. I like people who do something in order to do this, to live, and not to attract the attention and approval of others. I learn from these people, I study every day, I try not to become one of the heaps of modern madmen who are obsessed exclusively with themselves. The steeper the person, the more modest he is, on any issues, the only noise is that which is empty from the inside.
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