Татьяна Бережная
Don’t insist me
more patient to be
It is finished
It is quite over.
I have been fed up
I have been bored
Nothing for me
remain pleasant
in your world
Just prove that you are sincere
to receive in return
All my devotion
whatever was my suffer.
There is no love
in this world
living just on delusion
or continuing without
caress and devotion.
Only true love
that doesn’t need
for any talks indeed
And it’s enough that
while I am in love with you
I have no patience to proceed
Only with my hope
with you I am living
But still beside my tears
In your love I am losing
from my life so many years
And it was a mistake
that again will never appear.
Written by Richard Gere
Произведений: 134
Получено рецензий: 207
Написано рецензий: 301
Читателей: 11184
- Мой Валери - любовная лирика, 18.05.2006
- Кино - без рубрики, 20.08.2006 10:07
- Horatius voice Limerick - сонеты, канцоны, рондо, 19.09.2005
- Грех - гражданская лирика, 21.05.2006 14:14
- Дверь - философская лирика, 21.05.2006 13:34
- Случайная - любовная лирика, 21.05.2006 13:13
- Небыль - философская лирика, 19.05.2006 21:42
- По нём - философская лирика, 19.05.2006 18:43
- Неизвестному художнику - философская лирика, 19.05.2006 14:20
- Васильковые тайны - любовная лирика, 19.05.2006 10:15