Евгения Рыжая
It's fun to lose and to pretend
She's over bored and self assured
Oh no, I know a dirty word
Hello, hello, hello, how low?
Hello, hello, hello!
With the lights out, it's less dangerous
Here we are now, entertain us
I feel stupid and contagious
Here we are now, entertain us
A mulatto
An albino
A mosquito
My libido
I'm worse at what I do best
And for this gift I feel blessed
Our little group has always been
And always will until the end
Hello, hello, hello, how low?
Hello, hello, hello!
With the lights out, it's less dangerous
Here we are now, entertain us
I feel stupid and contagious
Here we are now, entertain us
A mulatto
An albino
A mosquito
My Libido
And I forget just why I taste
Oh yeah, I guess it makes me smile
I found it hard, it was hard to find
Oh well, whatever, nevermind
Hello, hello, hello, how low?
Hello, hello, hello!
With the lights out, it's less dangerous
Here we are now, entertain us
I feel stupid and contagious
Here we are now, entertain us
A mulatto
An albino
A mosquito
My libido
A denial !!
(c) "Nirvana".
Произведений: 51
Получено рецензий: 86
Написано рецензий: 181
Читателей: 3253
- Вечерне-утреннее. - без рубрики, 05.08.2007 14:02
- part... - без рубрики, 07.07.2007 06:42
- *** - экспериментальная поэзия, 07.07.2007 05:52
- Личное. Не стихо. - без рубрики, 06.07.2007 03:44
- Памяти объявлена война. - экспериментальная поэзия, 01.07.2007 00:11
- О Ней. - любовная лирика, 26.06.2007 15:44
- Утро - без рубрики, 26.06.2007 14:04
- Трансильвания - любовная лирика, 10.04.2007 20:15