Osip Mandelshtam. This January where should I hide

This January – where should I hide?
How sticky is this open, freaky town…
Or am I drunk from these locked doors, or might
These locks and latches make me wish to moan?

These twisted closets of the twisted routs,
These yapping streets distorted like some stalking,
These crooked passes that are hiding crooks
Behind the crooked corners, while I’m walking.

I slide into the dark, verrucose pit
Towards an icy water pump in fear,
And stumble, and the deadly air eat,
A flock of rooks flies up as in a fever –

And I run after, falling with a shriek
Into a box, a frozen wooden square.
– A reader! An advisor! Or a shrink!
A conversation on a pricky stair!

(from Russian)

Осип Мандельштам

Куда мне деться в этом январе?
Открытый город сумасбродно цепок...
От замкнутых я, что ли, пьян дверей? —
И хочется мычать от всех замков и скрепок.

И переулков лающих чулки,
И улиц перекошенных чуланы —
И прячутся поспешно в уголки
И выбегают из углов угланы...

И в яму, в бородавчатую темь
Скольжу к обледенелой водокачке
И, спотыкаясь, мертвый воздух ем,
И разлетаются грачи в горячке —

А я за ними ахаю, крича
В какой-то мерзлый деревянный короб:
— Читателя! советчика! врача!
На лестнице колючей разговора б!

1 февраля 1937

"These locks and latches make me want to moan?"


The twisted closet of the twisted lane,
Of yapping streets the long and narrow stocking -
The hiding crooks are mocking me insane
Behind the crooked corners as I'm walking
"Prickly" stair

Евгения Саркисьянц   28.03.2025 15:27     Заявить о нарушении
Zhanya, so good to see you here! and many thanks for taking time to read and comment.
In the line you suggest to edit I feel that he is meaning the paper clip as a bureaucratic symbol. But perhaps you are right and it is related more to the type of a lock.
I will think about the second stanza.
Pricky and prickly are somewhat interchangeable, I felt like prickly is more related to an object (rose, hedgehog etc) while pricey has connotations with cold and irritation:
pricky problem больной вопрос
pricky sensation ощущение покалывания
she had a pricky disposition она легко раздражалась
ex. His conscience pricked him. My duty pricks me on.
But I may be missing on nuances.

Валентин Емелин   28.03.2025 16:39   Заявить о нарушении
Well, something like that, perhaps.

Валентин Емелин   28.03.2025 22:02   Заявить о нарушении