Омар Хайям, Да, женщина похожа на вино ENGL
А где вино,
Там важно для мужчины
Знать чувство меры.
Не ищи причины
В вине, коль пьян —
Виновно не оно.
Да, в женщине, как в книге, мудрость есть.
Понять способен смысл её великий
Лишь грамотный.
И не сердись на книгу,
Коль, неуч, не сумел её прочесть.
A woman is for sure like a wine,
And where a man should handle either treasure,
It matters to keep everything align,
And, so to speak, preserve a sense of measure.
And in the wine don't look for any reasons
Of being drunk; it's not the wine to blame.
And though women resemble changing seasons,
Like books they keep the wisdom all the same.
And just the literate are able to make out
This wisdom's meaning, to catch what's really true.
It's not the book you should be furious about,
If it is you, illiterate, who's failed to read it through.
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