Эм. Дикинсон. Мы привыкаем к темноте
Когда погасит свет —
Соседка с лампой на крыльце,
Сказав "Пока" вослед —
На миг— не приспособлены
Мы к новизне ночной —
Затем, привыкнув к темноте,
Находим путь — прямой —
A темнота— сгущается,
Как сумерки ума, —
Когда Луна знак не подаст—
Иль вместе с ней — Звезда—
Храбрейший напрягается,
И он об древа твердь
Может и голову разбить—
Так учатся смотреть—
Иль темнота меняется, —
Иль в^иденье в пути,
В полночном мраке проявясь, —
Жизнь выправив почти.
We grow accustomed to the Dark —
When light is put away —
As when the Neighbor holds the Lamp
To witness her Goodbye —
A Moment — We uncertain step
For newness of the night —
Then — fit our Vision to the Dark —
And meet the Road — erect —
And so of larger — Darkness —
Those Evenings of the Brain —
When not a Moon disclose a sign —
Or Star — come out — within —
The Bravest — grope a little —
And sometimes hit a Tree
Directly in the Forehead —
But as they learn to see —
Either the Darkness alters —
Or something in the sight
Adjusts itself to Midnight —
And Life steps almost straight.
Emily Dickinson
"We Grow Accustomed to the Dark" is a testament to human courage and resilience. Just as people’s eyes adjust to their new surroundings after turning off a light, people themselves will learn to find their way through metaphorically dark times (which might refer to moments of great pain or to confrontations with the unknown). In other words, though life can often be hard, people can persevere through all manner of difficulties. The poem also subtly implies that people should accept that such difficulties are simply part of life—and are, in fact, important to our growth."
(From the Internet)
Стихи.ру 30 января 2024 года
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