Анна Ахматова. Мне весело с тобой. In English
I’ve a fancy for well-oiled you, –
Tales you tell have no meaning.
How early autumn hung a few
Yellow flags on the elms beaming!
Both of us came to a cheating land, –
We because of it feel sorry, –
Then why are we slyly smiling yet? –
Such a smiling won’t bring glory.
We did want some acute pangs instead
Of a quiet cheer to salute…
I will not leave my ill-fated friend –
So sensitive and dissolute.
Original text:
Мне с тобою пьяным весело —
Смысла нет в твоих рассказах.
Осень ранняя развесила
Флаги жёлтые на вязах.
Оба мы в страну обманную
Забрели и горько каемся,
Но зачем улыбкой странною
И застывшей улыбаемся?
Мы хотели муки жалящей
Вместо счастья безмятежного…
Не покину я товарища
И беспутного и нежного.
Свидетельство о публикации №124011701734
“I like you being drunken cause your words do not have sense in such a case” – she’s scared to hear sober reasoning concerning her own state (as well as her former life) – while drunken he speaks in a romantic way.
The elms with yellow leaves resemble her feelings – a bit sad but nice in general.
Their smiles are strange for the partness are partly bewildered about their future relations – each can easily interrupt them; – in the last quatrain there is a kind of conformation of the said here: she is really musing whether to abandon her comrade (clearly, - not too dear) or not.
Вячеслав Чистяков 18.01.2024 05:15 Заявить о нарушении
Зус Вайман 18.01.2024 19:10 Заявить о нарушении
Он любил три вещи на свете
За вечерней пенье, белых павлинов
И стертые карты Америки.
Не любил, когда плачут дети,
Не любил чая с малиной
И женской истерики
… А я была его женой.
Stanley Kunitz and Max Hayward translated it as
“Three things enchanted him:
white peacocks, evensong,
and faded maps of America.
He couldn’t stand bawling brats,
or raspberry jam with his tea,
or womanish hysteria.
… And he was tied to me.
In the original “малиной – женой” is not rhymed, still they try to do it (tea – me), – paying no attention neither to “свете – дети”, nor to “павлинов – с малиной”, and “America – hysteria” is awkward in my appreciation. This translation seems to be a simple constatation of facts. I do not to insist on my translation being better, but I rather like it:
On three things he looked with favor:
Vespers singing, white peacocks and faded
Worn-out America maps;
He disliked weeps at kids’ misbehavior,
To have jam at his tea, and he hated
Female frenzied screaming habdabs
… And I occurred to be his wife.
Вячеслав Чистяков 19.01.2024 07:15 Заявить о нарушении
Зус Вайман 21.01.2024 19:59 Заявить о нарушении
Вячеслав Чистяков 22.01.2024 05:51 Заявить о нарушении