Иная парадигма
Летит сапсаном, набавляя года, It flies like a falcon, adding years,
Прошлое оставляем за спинами, Leaving everything in the past behind
А будущее впереди - идём туда! Forward, the future - let's go there!
Модель такая рисует наглядно This diagram draws the general course,
Мирозданья общую схему, And it is very well understood avenue,
Безусловна она и очевидна, Straight forward, clear and obvious,
Только оказалось - не всем. But not everyone thinks it is true.
У некого счастливого племени There is one happy tribe
Нет ни календаря, ни часов, Without any calendar or clock,
Ничего они не знают о времени, They don't follow a concept of time,
Тема возраста закрыта на засов. And the topic of age is blocked.
Солнце взошло - солнце село - Sunrise - light then sunset - dusk -
Живёт племя от дела к делу, The tribe goes from one to other task,
Фокус внимания - в настоящем, Living focus is only on the present
И прошлое пред глазами маячит. And the past is in front of the face.
Можно в него чуть всмотреться They can view the past a little
- С былым опытом встретиться... In order to older experience meet...
Но ушедшее своё слово сказало, But the past doesn't posses any glint,
В ленте памяти узелки завязало. It's only in memory tissue enprints.
В данной парадигме иной In this paradigm of other kind
Что же у людей за спиной? What is people's back behind?
Там их будущее тихо прячется There the future quietly hides
И готовит сюрпризов мячики. And prepares surprising tides.
Почему за спиной, интересно? Why is it behind the back? One wonders.
Так о нём ничего не известно! Вecause there is a complete vagueness!
И не надо гадать-кручиниться, To guess is only to fool yourself,
Cамо оно в дверь постучится. It will knock on the door itself.
И придётся к нему обернуться - And then one will have to face it -
Нахмуриться или улыбнуться... Whether one is willing or not...
Предпочитают они жить в радости, They prefer to enjoy every day,
В неприятностях видеть приятности: To take negatives positive way:
Нет плохого и несуразного - >>>>> There're no bad things or penalties -
Просто жизнь очень многообразна The life just consists of diversities
Свидетельство о публикации №123081206880
Although, to some extent, we all, moving forward in years, increasingly live in the past ...
Heidegger said that the present comes from the future and we are always partially, in plans, already there. And that's right. Antinomies are inevitable.
Николай Старорусский 22.08.2023 11:17 Заявить о нарушении
This is a very engrossing topic, and I am glad we share the interest there. Thank you
Наталия Бочарова 22.08.2023 13:11 Заявить о нарушении
Николай Старорусский 22.08.2023 23:21 Заявить о нарушении
1. Rear view shows the PRESENT situation on the road behind your vehicle, and you should not stop looking there while you are driving. For safe driving you must COORDINATE looking at front, at the side and at the rear view.
2. Our past is a different story. Looking at the past we recall facts, knowledge, people, places etc. And usually our memories come as associations with something in the present. And either we recall or not, the past stays in our memory, at the foreground or at the background, and it is "imprinted" in our PERSONALITY. At any moment of life, our personality presents a complex combination of our past experience until this particular moment in all aspects including ethics and behavioral standards. Our personality keeps changing, and next moment it may be a bit different since the previous moment is imprinted. A person who completely loses memory becomes a blanc entity unaware of who he is, of what is going on, of what to do and how to react: http://stihi.ru/2023/05/18/1620/
Наталия Бочарова 23.08.2023 00:48 Заявить о нарушении
Наталия Бочарова 23.08.2023 01:22 Заявить о нарушении
Николай Старорусский 24.08.2023 11:57 Заявить о нарушении