
Friendship is the sun on a gray day,
Warmth that keeps us going in the coldest way.
Friends are like wings behind our backs,
Helping us soar higher than we could without their tracks.

Friends are those who know us like no one else,
Without judgment, they'll support us when we fell.
By our sides when the lights turn off,
They're the ones who will help us when we lose our path.

Friends are treasures that money cannot buy,
They're always there to lend a hand, to try.
We don't choose them, but they come our way,
To help us through, when we lose our say.

So cherish your friends, and they'll do the same,
The world will be brighter than the sun's flame.
Walking this path together makes it easier,
No obstacles to face, with friends, a smoother career.

Дружба – это солнце вслед за тьмой
И слова, которые мы слышим,
И друзья – как крылья за спиной,
Помогают подниматься выше.

Друг нас знает, как никто другой,
И поддержит в трудную минуту,
Станет сильным рядом за спиной,
И в пути всегда протянет руку...

Николай Ефремов 1   25.01.2024 16:33     Заявить о нарушении
Точно, Николай!

Ковалёва Марина   26.01.2024 17:24   Заявить о нарушении
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