perevody - Б. Окуджава Ваше благородие, госпожа Уд

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Ваше благородие, госпожа Удача.
(C) 1969 Булат Окуджава
Your Honourable Mightiness, Mistress of the Fortune.
(C) 1969 Bulat Okudzhava

Ваше благородие, госпожа Удача.
Для кого ты добрая, а кому - иначе.
Девять граммов в сердце - постой, не боли.
Не везет мне в смерти, повезет в любви.
Your Honourable Mightiness, Mistress of the Fortune.
There are ones you favour of, others - you don't watch 'em.
Hearty lead is flying, making chests a draught.
Had no luck with dying, will have luck with love.

Ваше благородие, госпожа Разлука,
Мы с тобой - родня давно, вот какая штука. // мне с тобою холодно, -''-
Письмецо в конверте - погоди не рви.
Не везет мне в смерти, повезет в любви.
Your Honourable Mightiness, Mistress of the Parting,
We are twins this many day, so don't get me started. // I am cold as much with you. -''-
Tear not the writing, greet the postal dove.
Had no luck with dying, will have luck with love.

Ваше благородие, госпожа Чужбина.
Жарко обнимала ты, да только не любила.
В ласковые сети, постой, не лови. // шёлковые -''-
Не везет мне в смерти, повезет в любви.
Your Honourable Mightiness, Mistress Foreign Country.
Passionate for hugs you were, for love you weren't hungry.
You caressed in trying to snare all around. // Your silky trap is trying -''-
Had no luck with dying, will have luck with love.

Ваше благородие, госпожа Победа.
Значит моя песенка до конца не спета.
Перестаньте, черти, клясться на крови!
Не везет мне в смерти, повезет в любви.
Your Honourable Mightiness, Mistress of the Winning.
By your will and order now I'm not done with singing.
Will you goons go finish your hecky bloody vow!
Had no luck with dying, will have luck with love.

(C) 2022 translated by Andrei Kouznetsov, Ken Bankston
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