Beast of the Jig. Мельница

Beast from meadows of Cape Town,
His vulpine tail wag round,
Having no mindful sound
An’ no penny to blow,

Born by void, he is frantic,
And viciously erratic
Are voodoo and his magic
Of vinyl below.
   Sharp like a jig,
   No, don’t impale me,
   Oh, you’d better keep playing,
   Please, I want you to play.

      Oh, hit it or miss,
      We shall play it over
      Pitch-black top hats again on
      And then ask for pay.
Beast ‘n shabby and rag dress
Stitched with ninety nine old threads
From the Cape of the Good Hope
And Wicked Surprise.

While the record’s still twirling
Like water that he’s swirling,
He’ll light the fire that’s burnin’ up
His deadly device.

   Sharp like a jig,
   No, don’t impale me,
   Oh, you’d better keep playing,
   Please, I want you to play.

      Well, hit it or miss,
      We shall play it over
      Placing bets on the black pawns
      And then ask for pay.
Does the Earth let ’im hold on?
No idol is brave to learn.
Tell what is our best card now,
Is it body or soul?

Take the wax doll and give it
The power to move and breathe
And, pierced by the pine needle,
To silently go.
   Sharp like a jig,
   No, don’t impale me,
   Let the game have a long run,
   I beg you all to play.

      Oh, hit it or miss,
      We shall play it over
      Pitch-black top hats again on
      And then ask for pay.

         Beast of the jig,
         Yeah, give it freedom!
         It has never been painful –
         Keep rolling on!

            'Cause that’s how life springs,
            All the bravest can dance off.
            Behold new snow-white hats on
            And shout encore!


Оригинал: Мельница - Бес джиги (музыка и слова Н. О'Шей)

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