Our Good Hope. Надежда - мой компас земной

Light of an unknown star is bright
And again we’re torn away from home
For the distant cities to divide
With the runway lights of airport.
Clouds, scattered showers and the fog
Met by cool breeze of the morning dawn.
Here on the start of unknown road
Our storylines are twisted like a knot.

Please believe that here from afar
Many things you’ll never even notice.
Heavy lead of rainclouds will melt down,
All the old offences’re out of focus.
All you need is learning how to wait,
All you need is being calm and headstrong
So that life will drop a line one day
Telling you how happy you’ve become.

Every tune played not up to the end
Will not be forgotten, never ask for.
Why are your cute eyes again so sad?
Is it for the silver snow of Moscow?
All the distant cities can divide,
Life keeps making our ways diverging.
Light of an unknown star is bright
Like the flame of our good hope surging.

Our good hope's my compass on earth
And good luck is my first prize for firmness.
And only one tune is enough
If it tells of home, joy and goodness.

Оригинал: Надежда (слова Николая Добронравова)
