Эмили Э. Дикинсон. Пчела не испугается

Пчела не испугается.
Мотылька я знаю.
Созданья чудные в лесах
С радостью встречают —

Смеются громче ручейки —
Чудить ветрам не лень;
Зачем слезинки серебрo?
Зачем, о, летний день?


The Bee is not afraid of me.
I know the Butterfly.
The pretty people in the Woods
Receive me cordially—

The Brooks laugh louder when I come—
The Breezes madder play;
Wherefore mine eye thy silver mists,
Wherefore, Oh Summer's Day?
            Emily Dickinson

"This one starts off quite gaily with poet and Nature in happy and friendly accord. We have the bouquet of “B”s again: Bee, Butterfly, Brooks, and Breezes – and it is as if they are dear friends and playmates. The “B” alliteration, along with the “p”s of “pretty people” keep the tone bouncy.

But not all is well in Paradise. The poet finds herself a bit weepy. Sometimes all the glories of a summer day are not enough to overcome grief or even melancholy. Sometimes, in fact, the simple beauty and joy exacerbates our sense of failure. Still, however, I would like to think that “The Brooks laugh louder when I come.”

                Стихи.ру 21 октября 2016 года
