Роберт Фрост. Семь искусств
Тем утром на заре творения
Оставил вам предупреждение:
Искуcств будет шесть!
Политику ввели,
Всех семерых до смерти довели.
The Seven Arts
In the Dawn of Creation that morning
I remember I gave you fair warning
The Arts are but Six!
You add Politics
And the Seven will all die a-Bourneing.
Robert Frost
<< "The Seven Arts" is the ambitious title of the magazine, published in New York, of which The Seven Arts, an early example of the Little Magazine, was edited by James Oppenheim, Waldo Frank, and Van Wyck Brooks; it appeared monthly from November 1916 through October 1917.>>
Стихи.ру 15 апреля 2016 года
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