Эмили Э. Дикинсон. В Твой свет без боли перешёл
И болью нас настиг —
Кто к Тайне неспеша идёт,
Что ты обрёл за миг!
Стихи.ру 05 ноября 2015
Pass to thy Rendezvous of Light,
Pangless except for us —
Who slowly for the Mystery
Which thou hast leaped across!
Emily Dickinson
Примечание переводчика
Стихотворение написано по поводу смерти восьмилетнего племянника Эмили — Гилберта.
On 5 October 1883 Gilbert Dickinson, the eight-year-old son of Austin and Sue, died
of typhoid fever, caused through his playing at a mud-hole. Vinnie wrote to friends
that ‘Emily received a nervous shock the night Gilbert died & was alarmingly ill for
weeks ….she was devoted to Gilbert and was there the night of his death.’
But Emily was soon strong enough to send a letter (L868) of consolation to Sue.
Стихи.ру 05 ноября 2015
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