Анна Ахматова. Перед весной. Перевод на английский

Anna Akhmatova
To N.G. Chulkova

Sometimes before a spring such days appear
While under a hard snow a meadow sleeps:
Dry noisy trees are neither sad nor drear,
A springy balmy wind through bushes sweeps.
With lightness all your body is inspired,
And of your house you change your point of view,
And the old song of which you were quite tired
Keeps humming through all day as if it’s new.   

Текст оригинала:
Анна Ахматова
Н.Г. Чулковой

Перед весной бывают дни такие:
Под плотным снегом отдыхает луг,
Шумят деревья весело-сухие,
И тёплый ветер нежен и упруг.
И лёгкости своей дивится тело,
И дома своего не узнаёшь,
А песню ту, что прежде надоела,
Как новую, с волнением поёшь.

That's such a beautiful poem! Not as a criticism of your translation, I just had to do my own!! :)

Quite honestly, I find your translation too heavy, it lacks the lightness and excitement of the original. Not that mine doesn't :)

Евгения Саркисьянц   06.11.2015 02:26     Заявить о нарушении
Yes, I like the poem too. As to the translation it suits me; it seems that you and I are of different perception. In general I do not perceive in Akhmatova’s poems “lightness and excitement”, and this time my understanding is that she just wonders “why it takes place this way” and shares it with her friend. See your translation a bit later on.
Thank you very much!

Вячеслав Чистяков   06.11.2015 06:06   Заявить о нарушении