Ворона и лисица. Иван Крылов 1807-1808 ENGL

However long we've known, sometimes along with pain,
That flattery is vile and harmful; all efforts seem in vain,
A flatterer keeps finding praise-seeking hearts for gain.

One day a crow received from God a tasty cheesy slice;
Upon the closest fir-tree she made an instant rise
And was about to enjoy her sudden breakfast prize

But had a sudden thought, meanwhile the cheese was mouthed,
Unluckily for her a fox was nearby roused;
And all at once with smell of cheese the fox is getting captured.
She sees the cheese and with its sight immediately she's raptured.

Up to the fir, full of respect, the trickster slow tiptoes
And at the crow she peers with wags and bows as she goes.
The face with smile, Fox sweetly says to her just hardly breathing:
"My dear, you just have to know, your sight is so much pleasing!

Oh, what a wondrous neck you have, nice eyes as well as tail!
They are as if they have just come from a sweet fairy tale!
Oh, what a beak, just best of all! How nice the feathers shine!
May I suppose, your angel's voice must be as perfect fine!?

Sing out, darling! Don't be shy! There is no doubt, I mean,
To crown all your seen perfection, if you could also sing
You would become, and that's for sure, an equal to Bird-King!"

Sunk in the rain of honey praise, the cheated head in dizz
To the sly foxie's salutation as well as many cheers
The crow was out of her breath with sweetest of delight,
So she gave out a loud croak with all her crow's might...

The cheese fell down, now Fox's prize; they both got out of sight.


Уж сколько раз твердили миру,
Что лесть гнусна, вредна; но только всё не впрок,
И в сердце льстец всегда отыщет уголок.

Вороне где-то бог послал кусочек сыру;
На ель Ворона взгромоздясь,
Позавтракать было совсем уж собралась,

Да позадумалась, а сыр во рту держала.
На ту беду Лиса близехонько бежала;
Вдруг сырный дух Лису остановил:
Лисица видит сыр, Лисицу сыр пленил.

Плутовка к дереву на цыпочках подходит;
Вертит хвостом, с Вороны глаз не сводит
И говорит так сладко, чуть дыша:
"Голубушка, как хороша!

Ну что за шейка, что за глазки!
Рассказывать, так, право, сказки!
Какие перушки! какой носок!
И, верно, ангельский быть должен голосок!

Спой, светик, не стыдись! Что, ежели, сестрица,
При красоте такой и петь ты мастерица, -
Ведь ты б у нас была царь-птица!"

Вещуньина с похвал вскружилась голова,
От радости в зобу дыханье сперло, -
И на приветливы Лисицыны слова
Ворона каркнула во все воронье горло:

Сыр выпал - с ним была плутовка такова.


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