Эмили Э. Дикинсон. Исполнит птица трель свою,
Ей место есть везде —
И в человеческих сердцах
И в Неба Красоте —
Не избежать восторг труда,
Коль время петь пришло, —
Но он — тот Oтдых, где бьет ток,
Творящих Волшебство —
The Bird her punctual music brings
And lays it in its place —
Its place is in the Human Heart
And in the Heavenly Grace —
What respite from her thrilling toil
Did Beauty ever take —
But Work might be electric Rest
To those that Magic make —
Emely Dickinson
It is the second song in Leo Smit's song cycle The Celestial Thrush. The Celestial Thrush is the second of Smit's six song cycles setting the poetry of Emily Dickinson.
"The Bird her punctual music brings" is the second song in Leo Smit's song cycle The Celestial Thrush. The Celestial Thrush is the second of Smit's six song cycles setting the poetry of Emily Dickinson.
Стихи.ру 06 ноября 2014
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