Эмили Дикинсон, 9 Through lane it lay...
Чрез просеку в лесу –
Им было страшно, дико
В пустынном том часу –
Там волк был любопытный –
Сова глядела вниз –
Змей с виду безучастный
Скользил тихонько близ –
Дождь промочил одежды –
Гром молний их пугал -
А на скале свирепо
Стервятник прокричал -
Сатир манил их пальцем –
А путь шептал «пойдём» -
Друзья всего боялись –
В пути так задержались,
Детей ждал тёплый дом.
* * *
Emily Dickinson,
Through lane it lay — through bramble —
Through clearing and through wood —
Banditti often passed us
Upon the lonely road.
The wolf came peering curious —
The owl looked puzzled down —
The serpent's satin figure
Glid stealthily along —
The tempests touched our garments —
The lightning's poinards gleamed —
Fierce from the Crag above us
The hungry Vulture screamed —
The satyr's fingers beckoned —
The valley murmured "Come" —
These were the mates —
This was the road
Those children fluttered home.
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‘Through lane it lay – through bramble –
Our journey through life, with its fourteen lines of perils summed up in lines 15 and
16, reaches its safe destination in the emphatic last line: it is the only fifth line in the
stanzas of the poem, ‘fluttered’ is a rare transitive use of that verb, and home is
reached in the last word after the perturbations of the journey.
In line 14 ‘the valley’ is presumably a temptress rather than a haven.
У Вас получилось довольно живо, но больше похоже на детское стихотворение.
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