Эмили Э. Дикинсон. Так тих, как и печаль
И, по меньшей мере,
Его уход не ощутим,
Не винишь в измене —
В покое растворен
День, в полумрак войдя,
Уединен в природе
Час завершенья дня —
Скореe тьма придет —
И новый день сверкнет
С неизяснимой грацией,
Как гость, что вот уйдет —
Без помощи крыла
Иль киля корабля
Легко исчезло наше лето
В прекрасные края.
Emily Dickinson
As imperceptibly as Grief
The Summer lapsed away -
Too imperceptible at last
To seem like Perfidy-
A Quietness distilled
As Twilight long begun,
Or Nature spending with herself
Sequestered Aftenoon -
The Dusk drew earlier in -
The Morning foreign shone -
A courteous, yet harrowing Grace,
As Guest, that would be gone -
And thus, without a Wing
Or service of a Keel
Our Summer made her light escape
Into the Beautiful.
Прим. переводчика:
В письмо Хиггинсону от 9 июня 1866 года Эмили вложила все 4 варианта стихотворения.
"Although it ostensibly tells of the imperceptible passage of summer, this composition also may be read
as a comment upon change and death. The meaning is subtly suggested by figures such as ‘As
imperceptibly as Grief’ and ‘without a Wing,’ and by symbols. The symbols are figures perhaps only
vaguely suggestive of their implications unless Miss Dickinson’s peculiarly personal ways of using them in
a number of her poems are taken into account. As Thomas Dillon Howells has noticed in an unpublished
master’s dissertation, morning, for her, signifies ‘hope, purity, innocence’; afternoon, customarily, is associated with death, funerals; twilight or dusk, ‘a solemn time of day, completion, peace’."
James E. Miller, Jr.
The Literature of the United States II, 3rd edition
(Scott, Foresman 1953-66) 204
Стихи.ру 14 мая 2014 года
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