Acrostic PdV

Prevention: take an ounce once a day -
Healthcare costs will leave you no cure.
Indeed, the Byzantine red tape array
Locks in and binds the patient to endure
Loquaciously liquid sets of rules 
Imposed by the nanny-statist cabal…
Perchance, the ugly beast already drools,
Devouring the diligent and able.
Evolving entropy of errors piling high,
Vain postures of a power that's declining: 
Another sign to show the end is nigh…
Lest we forget, the cloud's silver lining
Conceals a tempest, nay, a great deluge
Of truly mammoth Biblical dimensions:
Unless your ark is ready, strong, and huge
Read Genesis 6:19, for its mentions
Two of a kind… Just fill her glass with rouge.
