Эмили Э. Дикинсон. Её назвали - Осень
И кровь — её — течет —
Артерьями — пригорков —
И венами — дорог —
В аллеях — груды листьев —
Багрянeц — дождь идет —
Ветра расплещут чашу —
Распутник-дождь — прольет —
Цветов намочит шляпки —
И киноварь — прудов —
Умчится красной розой —
Ha вихре — лепестков —
The name - of it - is "Autumn" -
The hue - of it - is Blood -
An Artery - upon the Hill -
A Vein - along the Road -
Great Globules - in the Alleys -
And Oh, the Shower of Stain -
When Winds - upset the Basin -
And spill the Scarlet Rain -
It sprinkles Bonnets - far below -
It gathers ruddy Pools -
Then - eddies like a Rose - away -
Upon Vermilion Wheels -
Emily Dickinson
<<Dickinson scholar David Cody wrote an article on this poem* pointing to a poem by John Greenleaf Whittier titled “The Battle Autumn of 1862.” It was published in The Atlantic in October 1862, and Dickinson would probably have read it. The poem is in praise of Nature whose “bloom and greenness sweeps / The battle’s breath of hell.”
Photo: Christopher O'Donnell
Стихи.ру 07 января 2014 года
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