Эмили Э. Дикинсон. Подпорки держат Дом
Пока не создан он,
Затем снимают иx,
И вот Дом возведён
И держит сам себя,
Былое отошло,
Всё в прошлом для него теперь —
И Плотник и Сверло
Дом праведно живёт —
Забыты гвоздь, доска,
И медленно — леca пaдyт,
И признaнa Душа.
The Props assist the House
Until the House is built
And then the Props withdraw
And adequate, erect,
The House support itself
And cease to recollect
The Auger and the Carpenter —
Just such a retrospect
Hath the perfected Life —
A past of Plank and Nail
And slowness — then the Scaffolds drop
Affirming it a Soul.
Emily Dickinson
From Internet:
"The Carpenter — which the house no longer recollects once it’s built—is mentioned in the same breath as "The Augur" (lines 6-7). When combining the idea of the carpenter (the person in charge of the house’s construction) with the mention of the augur (an ancient Roman prophet and possibly a play on "auger," a tool), we get the image of people who build a house and predict its future.
Reading the poem through a religious lens offers an interpretation centered around spiritual development, as well. "Carpenter"— especially in close proximity to the other prophet in the poem—could allude to Jesus of Galilee, who was famously a carpenter before coming into his role as Messiah. Moreover, "A Past of Plank and Nail" could refer to the Crucifixion and subsequent Resurrection (line 10). Therefore, when the speaker cites the scaffolds dropping in the eleventh line, they’re stating they’ve fallen out of formal religion, but still acknowledge its importance in their development.
Either way, the individualism still shines through in this piece, as the ultimate goal is for the house to “support itself” (line 5). The scaffolds and carpenters don’t stay to crowd the house once they’re done. Similarly, Dickinson demonstrates a model of life where loving figures foster an individual’s mental and emotional growth, finally teaching them to achieve independence. Only once it achieves self-sufficiency is the house "Affirm[ed] a Soul –" (line 12)."
Стихи.ру 14 июня 2013 года
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