Come Away Melinda - F. Hellerman - Uriah Heep
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Павлов Андрей Викторович
эквиритмический перевод первоначального варианта песни
«Come Away Melinda»
Fred Hellerman, Fran Minkoff
Мама, мама, поспеши,
Иди скорей ко мне!
Смотри, что я нашла в пыли,
Играя во дворе.
Не шуми, Мелинда,
Домой! И дверь закрой,
Чужая книжка, здесь она
Погребена войной.
Мама, мама, поспеши,
Смотри, тут что-то есть!
На старых фотографиях
Здесь дети, их не счесть!
Не шуми, Мелинда,
Домой! И дверь закрой.
Детишки были во дворе,
Все сметено войной.
Мама, мама, посмотри
Мама поспеши,
Кто этот взрослый дядя здесь?
Высок он и красив.
Не шуми, Мелинда,
Домой! И дверь закрой.
Твой папа тоже был таким,
Он унесен войной.
Мама, мама, посмотри,
Здесь неба синева,
Как много здесь счастливых лиц,
Зеленая трава!
Не шуми, Мелинда,
Домой! И дверь закрой.
Все это было, было так,
Все сметено войной.
Мама, мама, посмотри,
Коль сможешь, объясни,
Зачем все не осталось так,
Таким, как до войны.
Не шуми, Мелинда,
Домой! И дверь закрой.
Ответ лишь во вчерашних днях,
Тех, что перед войной.
(5 марта 2013)
Come Away Melinda
Фред Хеллеман, Фран Минкоф
Вариант Uriah Heep
Daddy, daddy, come and look,
see what I have found
A little ways away from here,
while digging in the ground
Come away Melinda,
come in and close the door
It's nothing, just a picture book,
they had before the war
Daddy, daddy come and see,
daddy, come and look
Where there's four orfive
little Melinda girls
Inside my picture book
Come away Melinda,
come in and close the door
There were lots of
little girls like you
Before they had the war
Oh daddy, daddy come and see,
daddy hurry do!
While there's someone
in a pretty dress
She's all grown up like you,
won't you tell me why
Come away Melinda,
come in and close the door
That someone is your mummy,
you had before the war
Daddy, daddy tell me if you can
Why can't things
be the way they were,
before the war began
Come away Melinda,
come in and close the door
The answer lies in yesterday,
before they had the war
Uriah Heep 1970 г.
Come Away Melinda
Первоначальный вариант
Fred Hellerman, Fran Minkoff
Mommy, mommy, come and see
And look what I've found
A little way away from here
While digging in the ground
Come away Melinda
Come in and close the door
It's nothing but a picture book
They had before the war
Mommy, mommy, come and see
Your mommy hurry look
Just four or five Melinda girls
Inside this picture book
Come away Melinda
Come in and close the door
There were lots of little girls like you
Before they had the war
Mommy, mommy, come and see
Your mommy hurry do
There's someone grown up very tall
Who doesn't look like you
Come away Melinda
Come in and close the door
Your father was a man like that
Before they had the war
Mommy, mommy, come and see
Such things I've never seen
There's happy faces all around
And all the grass is green
Come away Melinda
Come in and close the door
That's just the way it used to be
Before they had the war
Mommy, mommy, come and see
And tell me if you can
Why can’t that be the way at last,
before the war began
Come away Melinda,
come in and close the door
The answer lies in yesterday,
before they had the war
(Написана приблизительно в 1948-1952)
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