
I am charmed as a young boy by Your irresistible glance
And Your beauty is turning my head as a wineberry's taste
What a balm to my heart could be so long-awaited romance
What a bless to my soul is the warmth, overfilling my chest

But I see that we live in our different, parallel worlds
And the rest of my wisdom is painting pictures of grief
It's too easy to swallow the baits of the newness we hold
But the price of that blindness is terribly high, just believe...

To avoid of becoming the cause of your sorrow, I tend
To restrain this affection and never become more than friend

*Wineberry here is Rubus arcticus.
Tasted this rare berry once, you'll never forget its aroma...

Translation of this poem into Russian:

красиво, буду почитывать и учиться) с теплом ПЖ

А-Ля Жесть   16.05.2013 07:40     Заявить о нарушении
Спасибо, очень приятно :)
С теплом,

Алексей Цёмка   18.05.2013 00:42   Заявить о нарушении
На это произведение написаны 3 рецензии, здесь отображается последняя, остальные - в полном списке.