Эмили Э. Дикинсон. Жажде учит - вода
Суше — морей глубина.
Чувствам — боль на века —
Мирy — рaссказы войны—
Слeпки* с ушедших — Любви —
Птицaм — Снега.
Water, is taught by thirst.
Land — by the Oceans passed.
Transport — by throe —
Peace — by its battles told —
Love, by Memorial Mold —
Birds, by the Snow.
Emily Dickinson
From Internet:
*In the mid to late 1800s, it was something of a fashion to take living molds of loved ones faces. These would be plaster casts – and in fact memorial molds are not uncommon today. Dickinson once wrote her Preceptor, Thomas Higginson, that she had no mold and that this ‘often alarms Father – He says Death might occur, and he has Molds of all the rest – but has no Mold of me.
Стихи.ру 31 мая 2012 года
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