No Angel Грустная лошадь


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Предлагается к переводу:
"Грустная лошадь"
автор No Angel

Грустная лошадь смотрела на небо,
в мыслях гуляя на млечном пути.
Месяц казался ей корочкой хлеба,
сделанной кем-то из звёздной муки.

Лошадь вздохнула, бока раздувая,
тихо заржала, смотря в небеса.
Ей показалось, что туча седая
звёздного хочет отведать овса.

Туча нахмурилась, месяц закрыла,
громом ругнулась в небесной дали.
Лошадь глаза тихо вниз опустила,
долго стоять ей ещё до зари.

на картинке рисунок Лесли Харрисон

1. Людмила 31. The unhappy horse

A horse was unhappily looking at heaven,
Thinking about the Milky way's path...
The half-moon she felt as a piece of bread tasteful,
That was baked out of meal of the stars.

Sadly the horse sighed, both body sides swollen,
Silently neighed, looking into the sky.
She was suspicious, that a cloud head over
Was luckily eating the oat from stars.

The cloud turned gloomy and covered the half-moon,
In distance burst out with thunder and storming.
The horse dropped her eyes to the ground, for sure
She was to stand here long till the morning.


2. Казакова Наталья.
Грустная лошадь.

The sad poor horse looked at heven to night,
Wich walking in thoughts on the Milky Big Way.
And month seemed to it like a crust of bread now,
That made by someone, from a star flour today.
The sad horse has sighed, and sides it's inflating,
Has low begun to neigh, looks up to the sky.
It seemed to it awful a cloud grey-haired,
And wants to try oats by wonderful stars.
The cloud has frowned and the bright month has closed,
When thunder have swearing in a heavenly distance.
The horse of an eye  has slowly downwards lowered,
It's long to expect still to it to a dawn.


3. Миррор. Sad horse

A sad horse was looking at night starry sky
and walking in thoughts on the far Milky Way.
The yellow new moon seemed to be shining slice
of loaf made by someone from star meal last day.

The sad horse inhaled the air of a down
and neighed on the quiet turned eyes on the stars.
It seemed to the horse that a grey-headed cloud
decided to taste stellar oats at last.

The cloudlet frowned and covered the moon.
It swore very softly with thunder and then
the horse dropped her sad eyes and sighed gently soon.
She had to stand long till the down came again.


4. Нина Пьянкова Рецензии 
A ruthful horse - No Angel

A horse so ruthful was gazing at sky,
Imagined her walking along Milky Way.
The Moon seemed a slice of bread crispy dry,
As someone made it of star meal and baked.
The horse took a breath inflating her sides,
And started snickering into the sky.
It seemed like the cloud silvery white
Had a desire star oats to try.

The cloud gloomed the moon and the stars,
The thunder was rattling down from height.
The horse so sadly dropping her eyes
She needed to stay till dawn all the night.


5. Эхо Эхооо. "The sad Horse"  by No Angel

The sad horse that gazed at the sky overspread,
In mind thought - she  walked on along Milky Way.
The Moon seemed to her just a little crust of bread,
Which was made by someone from some stellar grain.

The horse sighed, inflating the ribs with the air,
Whinnied softly, watching the stars far and high.
Thinking that gray cloud may also care
How to taste those oats of sky.

Then cloud frowned, with the thunder it swore,
Growing and hiding the moon on and on.
The horse didn't look at the sky any more,
There was yet a long time till the dawn.


6. Галина Иззьер. Вариация на тему No Angel. The Emotional Horse

The horse is sad. It goes, "Neigh- neigh!"
As it looks up the Milky Way,
Thinking the crescent in the sky
Must be some half-eaten pie.

Its sides are moving up and down,
'Cause it's afraid that clouds'd frown,
Drink up the Milky Way and eat
The starry oats- every bit!

The cloud sulks and curses out
The sky, the crescent and all around.
The horse is sad, and puzzled, and stunned,
Waiting to greet the rising sun.

The nightly drama wears out.
The horse looks down, ready to pout,
Unhappy in its little stable...
Have you met the horse that's as unstable?!


7. Вячеслав Гольдберг. Sad horse.

Sad horse was looking up at star the sky,
in thoughts, walking on the Milky Way.
Crescent seemed to her like a piece of pie,
baked by someone from stellar details.

The horse neighed, looking up at star the sky,
It quietly sighed, blowing wide sides.
Сloud seemed to her, that the grey swarm
Wants eat the oats of Milky Way stars.

A cloud frowned, covering the stars and Crescent,
Thunder in the sky, cursing in distance.
Eyes of the Horse very slowly closed down.
It will be so long, until tomorrow's dawn.


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С уважением!
Emily Dickinson Poem:
Doubt Me! My Dim Companion!
Why, God, would be content
With but a fraction of the Life -
Poured thee, without a stint -
The whole of me - forever -
What more the Woman can,
Say quick, that I may dower thee
With last Delight I own!

It cannot be my Spirit -
For that was thine, before -
I ceded all of Dust I knew -
What Opulence the more
Had I - a freckled Maiden,
Whose farthest of Degree,
Was - that she might -
Some distant Heaven,
Dwell timidly, with thee!

Sift her, from Brow to Barefoot!
Strain till your last Surmise -
Drop, like a Tapestry, away,
Before the Fire's Eyes -
Winnow her finest fondness -
But hallow just the snow
Intact, in Everlasting flake -
Oh, Caviler, for you!

Светлана Мурашева   22.12.2012 00:33     Заявить о нарушении
Большое спасибо, Светлана! Мы немного задержались из-за организационных согласований, но сегодня я уже опубликовала анонс конкурса с предложенным Вами стихотворением.

Переводные Картинки -Конкурс   22.12.2012 23:48   Заявить о нарушении
Благодарю, Александра, мне очень приятно!

Светлана Мурашева   23.12.2012 02:08   Заявить о нарушении
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