Эмили Э. Дикинсон. Изобретенье - Вера
Кому дано понять —
А Микроскоп уместен,
Когда не распознать.
"Faith" is a fine invention
For Gentlemen who see —
But Microscopes are prudent
In an Emergency.
Emily Dickinson
<<In a clever little dig at unexamined religiousness, the poet suggests that Faith is not only an "invention" but a redundant one as it is fit for "Gentlemen" who can already see what they want with their normal vision. But even this invention falls short of what is needed in an "Emergency". When you can’t see with unaided eyes what needs to be seen, it’s time to wheel out the microscope.>>
Стихи.ру 04 сентября 2011года
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