Много вопросов... Russian - English

Много вопросов задал философ -
вечен ли снег и лёд?
И если зазеленеет посох,
что нас дальше ведёт?

Кто в потоках многоголосых
птичьи прослышал трели?
Много вопросов задал философ
по имени Март Апрелий.


The philosopher raised a great many matters:
Is snow really worth all the fuss?
And whether the staff that leads us further
will very soon break out in buds?

Who in the voices of mountain waters
has picked out the birds as they trill?
The philosopher raised a great many matters –
his name March and April.

translated from Russian
by Steve Holland (England)

I like the translation very much!Thank you to Steve Holland.

Светлана Аширова Бедрий   02.05.2013 18:58     Заявить о нарушении
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