Леди Лигейе

-- Cricket Special --

Ashes to Ashes, Lords to Lords,
Wembley to wham, blah… Wipe the scoreboards!

We're nursed and cursed, but first,
Feel everlasting thirst.
Lord evidently must
Pour water on the dust,

And then, of course, He may
Mix it with lifeless clay
Mold it with sculptor's knife,
Breathe in a spark of life,

A bit of this and that –
And it's your turn to bat.
But then, without doubt,
Some bloke strikes you out.

Still, would you rather flip the switch
Than take your chances on the pitch?

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Notes for non-cricketing folks:

Ashes - biannual cricket series.
Lords - top cricket stadium in UK.
Wembley - famous stadium, now demolished.
Pitch - central area of a cricket field.
