XXL Xmas Wish List

…Harrowing pottery.
Tottering poetry.
Jack-potty lottery.
Christmas aloe tree.

Wish me a well,
Little babe, easy blusher:
Light, sweet, and crude,
In affectionate gusher,

A drilling rig or
A thoroughbred mount,
Nine digit figure
In my bank account.

Wish me a Cessna,
Wish me a Lexus,
House in Fresno,
Republic in Texas,

K., L., M., N., O., P…
X., Y., and Z.
…Billowing canopy
Over my head.

If it would be my choice
I would wish a Rolls-Royce,
a twelve digit amount
on my rotten account
A., B., C. (the last thought) -
and I wish to be God!

Sweet dreams and a Happy New Year!

Борис Старосельский   29.12.2002 06:44     Заявить о нарушении
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