unhappy meals lead to happy chickens

Preamble: Recently McDonalds corporation, saying that PETA protests had absolutely nothing to do with it, asked the farmers of America to stop the cruel practice of cutting off chickens' beaks and stuffing as many as 8 chickens in a cage at egg-producing factories.
PETA's protest have been quite graphic against the fur industry - throwing blood on women dressed in furs. Also PETA protested outside McDonalds' restaurants by giving out "unhappy meals" where Ronald McDonald (the clown that symbolizes a fun golden arches experience) is shown with a bloody plastic hatchet. To encourage farmers to produce eggs using humane methods McDonalds will give farmers $10, 000 for development etc. But the cost of the egg-mcmuffin sandwich should go up nonetheless, by some amount. I think it's a great idea! But what's next? Maybe some high quality japanese beef in Mikky D's burgers? ;o)

do you know a bold eagle whistles Dixie,
as his wings grace snowy white peaks.
mommy hen clucks tales with a wit, see:
all her chicks will voice their praise with beacks!

all it took was just 10 million dollars
plastic blood and clowns jazzed up with ax -
let's moo carefully now, McDonalds --
Kobe burger, mere pittance, say 10 bucks?
