*** The Love Letter

A youth came to a sage one day

and asked the learned seer,

"How do I tell my fair love,

I hold you most dear? "

"From castle wall I want to shout

You're a beauty rare, -wilt dear

live and die with me, speak out ...".

but I'm numb from fear.

The sage replied to the young lad,

"Look at the fort down yonder,

suppose you storm the castle walls

And tear the folks asunder? "

"Will those who are left to live

and witness the destruction,

Will they adore you as their liege

Or harbor malefaction? "

The sage went on to tell the youth

of flowers, gifts, and wine,

of turtle doves, and liqueurs smooth

and music gentle, quiet...

The youth went to his horse and wept, "Nay,

I have none of those!...."

The horse continued eating hay

and listened to his woes.

A simple bow of straw he made

and graced it with some lace.

On parchment smooth, sweet verse he layed

Of Her beguiling grace.

And in Lord's chapel, her veiled face...

His gaze afire with love

Into her prayer book he placed

A letter to his dove.

And as she sang, with naive grace

the verses high and true,

The light of love shone on her face

and in his heart, he knew......

27.06.00 23:58:30

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