*** A simple jog and bright sunshine is poetry for me!

(my small tribute to Edward Lear )

One day I stood upon a shore:
gray sand and wintry mist.
The peek-a-boo of sun and clouds,
caught in my amethyst.

And so prepared was I that day,
Gung ho!, to rhyme some rhyme...
But dammit, it was cold and gray
and near breakfast time.

They say, a poet should pine and brood,
through strife, create great verse.
On fair Pacific shore I stood,
and counted my purse.

Two bucks, a lipstick, and a comb,
enough for a cheap thrill.
I threw my muse into blue foam,
and ran to eat my fill.

All wet was she, the poor miss,
her harp got out of tune.
"You-dilletante!", she sobbed and hissed,
while drying on a dune.

"Earl Grey" I drank, oh how divine,
and whispered, "Let it be"....
A simple jog and bright sunshine,
is Poetry for me!

17.01.02 3:32:01

Available from Anchor Books, "Once upon a Tale"

ISBN (Hardback) 1844182037
ISBN (Softback) 1844182045
Editor Sarah Marshall


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