Essay on scalability

.     The bear went over the mountain,
.     The bear went over the mountain,
.     The bear went over the mountain
.     To see what he could see.

.     The other side of the mountain,
.     The other side of the mountain,
.     The other side of the mountain -
.     That's all that he could see.

Futility, oblivion, abandon -
Such be the steps surmounted by reason,
When it, as only these are to depend on,
With master-key of logics breaks its prison

Of human bondage, fleeing to the open
Realm of unearthly fantasies and mystic
Reincarnations, climbing up the sloping
And slippery roads, bold and nihilistic.

The concept of futility spells freedom,
For if your earthly efforts are in vain,
Why cherish riches? Those are to bleed on.
You have no thing to lose, no thing to gain.

Oblivion will further make you steady,
And haunting ghosts of disturbing past -
A friendly hug, a smile of fair lady -
Will fade away or die or rest at last.

Abandon - final step towards the crest.
When all concerns and worries are forsaken,
Cool is the heart and empty is the chest,
The mind will not be led astray or shaken.

The other side of mountain lies below:
Attainment kills the magic of a goal.
You carry no burden, have no foe,
And no friend, and hardly any soul.

This height is not for humans, and this feast
Of sheer reason makes you god - or beast.

Awfully sorry, but in "treasure riches" two words present the same semantics.

Hellga   13.04.2003 10:41     Заявить о нарушении
but, maybe, You meant "to reach"?

Hellga   13.04.2003 10:42   Заявить о нарушении
sorry once more but the emotive change will sound more logical if You'll write "Will fade away or rest or die at last."
Finally, sincerely....

Hellga   13.04.2003 10:46   Заявить о нарушении
Thanks for the input. Constructive suggestions are a rarity nowadays. However, I see nothing wrong in using a double whammy to escalate the meaning. Anyway, as this piece is some 15 years old, I prefer leaving it in its largely unedited state as a means of time travel. :)

Mahalingam   13.04.2003 18:27   Заявить о нарушении
Re-read it. Guess you're right after all.
See if it's better now.

Mahalingam   13.04.2003 18:29   Заявить о нарушении
I think "cherish riches" sounds perfectly correct and appropriate. :)

Hellga   13.04.2003 20:59   Заявить о нарушении
На это произведение написаны 2 рецензии, здесь отображается последняя, остальные - в полном списке.