Theather of life

My "neighbour" the bigbadend*A*N*T
Came and en the morning I also encountered end the stairoom
We live alone en the building
Exact floor
"I will break your bottle of vadka if you money won't give said the little fly en the stairway 0.5 floor higher then my apartemente"
Money I don't have said I HO can give 1100 are you belles and took and was happy then later
Returned and remembering

The are you belles were gained en 28 10 2019
During discussion vz KKplan Aron
The liar kakademic
Which was busted by me
Also of false testimony
(very antyreusyan)
Also false complaint
Then bigbadend*AN*T
tried of sitting en the chair of me "I was busted" said the littlefly
And fell
Then couldn't getup and eventually I dragged him ento his apartemente

Door closed
