Игорь Выхованец, стихи 7501-7600
Straight ahead— a pit of sorrow,
Lies pile high above its rim.
Leftward— sheep led to the slaughter,
War revives at F;hrer’s whim.
To the right— the path of fading,
Yet the haze won’t linger long.
When decay and lies pervade you,
Choices left are weak and wrong.
But a spark of true creation
Lifts you past these roads of sin.
Step by step, it breaks damnation,
Wipes away the Goat’s dark grin.
Cursed this world— the Goat Supreme
Strangles all creative fire.
Yet the strongest won’t be beaten,
Won’t bow down to his desire.
Few resist— the crossroads call
Most to darkness, filth, and shame.
Breeding beasts, they flood the halls
Of a world consumed by flame.
The Music Played
The music played,
The flattery flowed.
But she just swayed—
You're a zero, she showed.
No cash, no car?
Then you're out of the game.
That’s how things are—
Most folks think the same.
In the Dark of Black Marks
Black marks flashing,
Seen without asking.
Luxury, status—
Hiding the madness.
Vile ones scheming,
Binding and weaving.
Countless, they smother
This wretched world over.
Black marks cover,
Lies make it suffer.
Few walk lightly,
Pure souls brightly.
White marks glowing—
Truth ever showing.
Honor must guide them,
So we can find them.
Fools and tools,
Played by rules.
Masks are gone—
Helmets on.
Satanism of False Faiths
Swing the censer, chant and pray—
Fools won’t see the Devil’s way.
"Eat His flesh"— the rite goes on,
Bless the chains and call it dawn.
"God’s own slaves" in every land,
While the liars rule, expand.
Temples rise at their command,
Praising shackles, tight and grand.
"God’s" Slave
Weakened, broken, rich yet lame,
Still a servant, just the same.
Off to church—bow down once more,
Fill your mind with hollow lore.
Twisted faces, filled with rage—
Mad slaves seething in their cage.
When their "truths" begin to fall,
Then the "leaders" lose it all.
Buzzing Fly
Darted by,
Landed in your ear—
Whispers lies you fear.
That’s the trick of spin—
Trust the beasts, you’re in.
"Пряники" и "ботаники"
Пряники засохшие
Мы построим в ряд.
Это дело прошлое:
Идиот был рад
Ринуться за пряником,
К "счастью" устремлён,
С детства быв "ботаником",
Чуйку выгнав вон.
Но "успехов" мало —
Пряник зачерствел.
Чтобы не пропал он,
В ряд его, коль "смел".
Дальше новым рядом
Кладку укрепим,
Чтобы подлых гадов
Укреплять режим.
Стены так построим.
Силы как раствор,
Что в ушли в другое —
В глупость. Приговор
Для Души, коль силы
Не туда идут.
И итог дебилы,
Коль напрасен труд.
Пряником подманят —
В омут увлекут.
Мир Фашисткой Срани —
Знатно в оном врут.
Глядь, вон новый пряник —
Только испекли!
Молодёжь вновь в Срани
Им зажглась — за ним вали!
Шкуры и фюрер
Д`убит шкуры.
Сплошь всевластие подонков:
Люди, прочь! — нужны дублёнки.
Младость —>
Мало кто
Не проходит путь в НИЧТО...
Младость —>
Мало кто
Путь в НИЧТО
Не проходит,
И не вроде...
Раненая птица
Ввысь лететь стремится —
Образ человека
До скончанья века.
To Those Left Frozen in the Cold
Frost bites,
Heart tight.
Trapped in lies—
Dark night.
Trash-fed delusions,
TV’s pollution.
Rotten and reeking,
Scoundrels are speaking.
To the Outsiders
Not from here—if fools and liars
Choke your throat like jagged stones.
When their weight just grows and piles,
And all that’s left is burning scorn...
Off to wander? Maybe leaving?
Or another Hell instead?
Still, your conscience won’t stop grieving,
Still, you loathe each worm you’ve met.
Yet you fight, though filth surrounds you,
Though the madness grips the land.
Drifting on—let waves confound you,
But you never touch the sand.
For the bottom’s where the devil
Rules through lies and endless schemes.
He controls the blind and servile,
Feeding off their rotten dreams.
Tiny people, hollow nation,
Chained by fear and fed with lies.
Truth won’t spark their liberation—
Darkness rules, and reason dies.
Ages pass, yet still they follow,
Slaves to Evil, blind and weak.
Fools embrace the chains they swallow,
Lost in nightmares, mute and meek.
Break the chains? The world will shatter.
Ruins left—a grand collapse.
Rot devours, till nothing’s after,
End unfolds in its own traps.
To Pour Your Soul Into a Cause…
Pour your soul in—let it shine,
But if clumsy, falls to grime.
Satan’s filth lurks in disguise,
Masked as joy and sweetened lies.
"Kindness," "goodness"—all pretend,
Yet it leads to one dark end.
No ellipsis—mark my call:
Satan’s foulness taints it all.
Burrows. Blinders. Darkness near.
Truth is fading—choked by fear.
Lies now serve as whip and chain,
Goebbels’ tales seem mild, in vain.
Creatures learn—deceit perfected,
Spewing filth without a flaw.
Rot is set, the end’s projected—
Just a few more years to thaw.
On full speed, the storm is racing,
Bringing ruin, crushing ground.
Dust of man—pathetic, wasting,
Two-thirds fools among the drowned.
Bombed with Lies and Fear
The blast wiped honor, mind, and soul—
A strike of lies, a storm of dread.
Yet “Soldier Zero” stands there whole,
By evil’s law he fights and bled.
He bombs, yet he’s the fallen too—
Corrupt exchange, a tainted game.
And so, for many, blurred and skewed,
The line between the good and shame.
A rotten mess—a stinking mire,
For filth will taint the sweetest well.
No need for war, no need for fire—
Lies alone will cast their spell.
The filth displayed, the wars have spoken,
And cast the world in darker shade.
The souls destroyed? They died unbroken,
For filth within will not degrade.
The Main Task of a Person is to learn how to think correctly
"To think right is more valuable than to know much."
— John Locke, 17th century
To THINK the RIGHT way—vital mission,
Else you'll drown in superstition.
Drowned in "knowledge," lost and broken,
Truth distorted, lies unspoken.
Yet intuition cuts through faking,
Lights the path when minds are aching.
Falsehoods crumble, frauds diminish,
Sharper thoughts will help you finish.
Doubt and question—stay demanding,
See how EVIL keeps expanding.
Same old tricks in fresh disguises—
Spot the pattern, no surprises.
Creativity’s the power
Lifting minds from darkness’ tower.
Only truth will rise and glisten,
Lies will rot—no need to listen.
Beasts have souls, and minds as well,
Though their thoughts are weak and slow.
Strip the masks from those who dwell
In our world—you’ll see the show.
Not much difference—Earth’s a cage,
Just a realm of beasts refined.
Glimpses tear the false fa;ade,
Show the emptiness inside.
Only those whose minds ignite,
Lift above the herds that stray.
Yet such sparks are rare and slight,
While the madness floods the way.
Thought is scarce, yet nonsense endless—
Cats outthink such fools with ease.
Yet they crown themselves as pillars…
What’s the end? A mind diseased.
Vile and cruel, they taint existence,
Harm both nature and their kin.
Monsters rule with no resistance—
Dawn won’t break this night again.
The Flight
All is empty if you’re trying
Truth through logic to define.
Heart must weigh the thoughts you’re flying—
Reason’s cold, but soul aligns.
There are visions—truths unspoken,
Melting fast like ice in spring.
Ponder this, let chains be broken,
Take your flight—unfurl your wings.
It’s a flight to Spirit’s mountain,
Yet a fall may lie ahead.
Without intuition’s fountain,
Mind alone may strike you dead.
Goals in Holes, Minds in Drains —
Welcome to This World Insane!
Lies run wild, the trap is set,
Cheese is rotten, cold and wet.
Praise the world? A cruel jest—
Here, Deception rules the rest.
The Shift of Ideologies Over Time
"Blinders off!"—yet Darkness cries,
But just to swap them once again.
Thus, it shields us from the Light,
Keeps the dust from causing pain.
Dissidents still spread their haze,
Casting grime in every place.
Cure their curse in old-time ways—
Call our order but "disgrace."
The Road to "Success"
A rat race? A twisted ride?
Or just a chase where cheats collide?
"To the start!"—the call rings loud,
As fools are harnessed to the crowd.
Rushing blind for hollow glory,
Breaking rules without a care,
While the fallen tell the story:
"That road leads to sheer despair."
Only weaklings quit, defeated,
Or collapse along the track.
But with "doping"—once completed,
You just crush them, never look back.
Light shines only in the knowing—
Rarely breaks through blinded eyes.
Darkness yokes each new-born growing,
Bound by lies the Goat supplies.
"Light" they call their chains unshaken,
"Duty," "goodness"—words so sweet.
Yet the herd, so lulled and taken,
Fails to see the dark deceit.
Few can break the cursed binding,
Yet the crowd calls them insane.
Slaves see "freedom" so unwinding—
Freedom, chanted, forged in chains.
"Freedom reigns!"—their voices thunder,
"Free world"—terms they twist and smear.
Madness welcomes every blunder,
Like a sewer welcomes fear.
Hammer and Sickle
They shear the herd and reap the gain,
Their "laws" just serve Mammon’s reign.
Scams run wild, while Nature bleeds,
Yet hidden hands still sow the seeds.
The sickle’s there to trim in stealth,
While hammers strike at growing wealth.
Each year the blows grow ever bolder,
Yet fools still fail to see the smolder.
Virtual goods, but real despair,
Inflation’s grip is everywhere.
And yet they claim, with grand display,
"The Sickle stands to shield your way."
A sickle’s slash, a hammer’s fist—
True global rule, where none resist.
With lies they weave a gentle veil,
To hide the fascist iron trail.
The Layered Cake of Lies
Lie on lie—to mask the traces
Of the old with something new.
Stacked like cakes through endless ages,
And... it’s quite a massive brew.
A "Mighty Bird"
A "mighty bird"—
How false, absurd.
The world’s reversed,
Where, at its worst,
A stubborn mole
Will reach the "height"—
By digging deep
Through filth and blight.
All Is Propaganda
Truth is but scraps—mere shards remain,
While lies are cast through history’s frame.
They twist the past to mask the stain,
So ages ruled by evil tame.
Take, for instance, lunar stories—
They "walked the dust" with proud display.
Yet drowning facts in verbal glories,
They hide how rot still eats away.
The world decays, while chains grow stronger,
Each day they tighten on the mind.
"Freedom!" they chant—yet slaves live longer,
And those who see are burned alive.
Old age—
Few escape
The void’s embrace.
A Skier on Asphalt
Summer nears, yet here I stand,
Skis prepared for sun-baked land.
As the world sinks ever low,
Drowned in lies that freely flow.
Soon this sight won’t seem so strange—
Madness sets the normal range.
Fools and lunatics decree
What is sane for you and me.
The wounded bird
Still longs to rise—
A human soul
That never dies.
The "Social Ladder"
Trade honor, mind—just serve the slime,
And filth will lift you up in time.
In sewers, climbing brings its perks—
A larger scrap, a noble smirk.
Evil’s No Joke
Make a joke, then brush it by,
Let your soul be veiled in lie—
That’s the path to grow so cold,
Turn to filth with heart of stone.
Mock the Evil right away,
Strike with sarcasm—make it pay!
Simple alchemy, yet strong—
Sharp and swift, it won’t go wrong.
The wretched slave condemns the Chain,
Blames the world for all his pain,
Yet fails to see—his blinded sight
Breeds the filth he claims to fight.
Despising life, its wretched mold,
He is its root—both weak and cold.
And since the fools are all but few,
Decay rewards decay in due.
The death machine they plan to halt—
Those rotten fiends, so sly, so cruel.
They're sick of killing souls, at fault—
They crave a world reshaped by fools.
I woke. If demons haunt your sleep,
Their promises will soon appear.
Yet one thing demons always keep—
Their mission: spreading lies and fear.
This world’s a dream, the same old spell,
For centuries, blind faith obeys.
Deceived by filth, led straight to hell,
Its fate—serve Darkness all the way.
With a Washed-Out Mind
With minds washed clean, with souls run dry,
Now fools are all—no questions why.
We heed the howling beasts demand,
Their voices spreading through the land.
That howl ignites a chilling fear,
The beasts delight—our doom is near.
Upon the block, we stand in line,
While scum declares: “All’s fine, all’s fine.”
Stray Souls
A house cat, tossed into the wild,
May change—but won’t be lost to time.
While man, once cast aside, defiled,
Will rot like trash, left to the grime.
For beasts, instinct remains intact,
Far stronger than in human kind.
Yet still, this world is cold and cracked—
If even mad souls lie confined.
Independent Thought
A mad world ruled by ancient lies,
Deceit that’s stood the test of time.
It forges chains within the mind,
Ensuring reason stays confined.
Since childhood, all are trained to heed
The fool’s beliefs, the crowd’s decree.
And fools prevail—their thoughts take lead,
Through them, the beasts secure their spree.
But few will break this cursed spell,
With Truth their guiding light remains.
Yet most will fade, unseen they’ll dwell,
Lost in the war where Thought is slain.
Still, one must try—resist, defy!
A fight may yet the soul defend.
For if the spirit fails to rise,
This world will rot until its end.
Into the Abyss...
Mask or helmet—by command,
Down he falls at evil's hiss.
Not in life, but in a land
Lost in tales as dark as this.
Fools are countless—hence the chains,
Hence the fascist rule persists.
World obeying wicked reigns
Drags itself to hell’s abyss.
"The Doctors"
Doctor Goebbels, Doctor Brown,
Doctor Mengele—the past.
They fell short, not sinking down
To the bitter end at last.
New “doctors” rise to take their place,
Through them, CowID took its flight.
Not as wicked—just a waste,
Lost all reason, lost all light.
First round struck—a grand success,
War became the next in line.
Wisdom weighed—so little left,
Now the world tilts past decline.
Third round waits—to drag it deep,
While the second rages still.
Old-school horrors haunt our sleep,
New disgrace just waits to kill...
"Arguments," Not Facts
“Arguments,” not facts, they claim,
Spread their lies both far and wide.
Fraud and terror—tools the same,
Used to keep the mind confined.
Truth is scarce—a fleeting spark,
Drowned in falsehood, lost in mist.
Hope is fading, skies grow dark,
No true message from the Heights.
Only instincts, faint and weak,
Catch its echo—brief and low.
But deception reigns, and bleak
Is the world where falsehood grows.
Всемирный Цирк На Дроте
Повсюду кризис в цирках: зритель
На новых клоунов запал —
То в зомбоящике политик.
Огромный клоунады вал.
Им платят хорошо. Говнидом
Всем показали — цирк един;
Всемирный. Получают гниды
ЦеУ из закулис. Им господин
Рогатый Клоун. Режиссёры
И сценаристы лишь ему
Покорно служат. Все актёры
Должны потворствовать дерьму
Сценариев: чем дальше,
Тем больше в них тупой гротеск.
Не замечает зритель фальши —
Лишь в единицах днесь протест.
Вопрос к "светилам" псевдомедицины
Есть терапевт, хирург, уролог
И психиатр, коль очень плох.
Где в поликлиниках дуролог,
Ведь дурней как в собаках блох?!
Пути в тупик ведут обычно,
Но надо покривее путь
Повсюду возвести в привычку,
Чтоб не заметить краха жуть.
Яростный Сарказм Дна
Остроумие ничтожно:
Жалит как комар слона
Мерзость Крупную. Пусть сложно,
Зарядись Сарказмом Дна.
Яростный Сарказм для Днища
Верный способ в Аде быть —
СМРАДов тухлое вонище
С Ярью Смелой позабыть.
Обрабатывают с детства —
Пропаганда "наше всё!".
Школа — оглупленья средство.
Труд — лишь ворошить Гнильё.
Ярь как способ отделенья
От Всемирного Дерьма —
С каждым новым поколенье
Меньше Духа и Ума
В черни пошлой и ничтожной.
Через чернь идёт война
С Чутким-Честным. Осторожно —
Скоро здесь Пробитье Дна.
Яростный Сарказм поможет
Душу в Чуши уберечь,
Сатанизм когда низложат,
Чтобы в Новый Ад упечь.
"Запах" Супер-Сатанизма
Проникает в щели Дна.
То говнид, "расцвет" рашизма,
Также новая война.
Деградация под "Супер!"-
Клич как ноу-хау Тьмы.
Остроумие не грубо,
А Сарказм взорвёт умы
Тех, кто уж терпеть не может
Разложенья беспредел.
Только Ярь в Аду умножит
Силы для Борьбы. Будь Смел!..
Вариант первой строфы.
Остроумие ничтожно:
Жалит как комар слона.
Зарядись, пусть это сложно,
Яростным Сарказмом Дна.
Вариант двух последних строк.
Только Ярь в Аду поможет —
Будь Разумен, Чуток, Смел!..
The Global Circus on a Wire
The circus struggles—times are dire,
New clowns have caught the crowd’s desire—
A politician on the screen,
A flood of jesters, bold, obscene.
They’re paid so well! The grand charade—
One show for all—CowID displayed.
A world-wide act, the filth receives
Its cues from masters in the eaves.
The Horned Clown rules—their guiding hand,
Directors, writers—his command.
And every actor in the play
Must spread the filth without delay.
Each script more mindless than before,
A grotesque show—a rotten core.
The crowd won’t see the blatant lies—
A few protest, the rest comply.
The Fierce Sarcasm of the Abyss
Wit is weak, a petty sting—
A gnat that bites a beast, unseen.
Evil thrives—it rules the ring,
So load your rage, let scorn grow keen.
Fierce Sarcasm, forged in fire,
Keeps you breathing through the stench—
Through the rot of their empire,
Through the lies they proudly clench.
Trained since childhood, minds are chained,
Propaganda rules the land.
School—designed to keep you drained,
Work—a shovel in your hand.
Fury stands as separation
From this world of filth and grime.
With each rising generation,
Less of Soul and less of Mind.
Dull and spineless, lost in masses,
Marching blind to crush the few.
War on Thought—the breach collapses,
Soon the pit will break right through.
Fierce Sarcasm shields your spirit,
When they cast the Beast away.
Hell replaced, yet can’t you hear it?
Darker Hells are on their way.
Satan’s "fragrance" creeping lower,
Through the cracks—a wretched tide.
Tyrants rise, the bombs fall slower,
Madness swells, and war’s applied.
Darkness sells its "Super!" slogan,
Rotting minds beneath the spell.
Wit alone is far too broken—
Scorn explodes, and cracks the shell.
For the ones who stand unyielding,
Who refuse decay’s cruel game—
Only Rage will give them shielding,
Only Fire will feed the Flame!
The Miracle of Nonsense
A wondrous trick—how grand, how neat!
They spew their filth, the crowd drinks sweet.
"A gift from heaven!"—they proclaim,
And point above to hide their shame.
The Crooked Path
Dead ends are where the roads will lead,
But twist the path—no need for speed.
Just make the turns a daily norm,
And miss the crash amidst the storm.
The Ram and the Brake
Once again, the ram’s misled,
Trusting liars, bold and sly.
Had he brakes to halt their thread,
He’d be free, not left to die.
A plundered land, a hollow scheme,
Fear and nonsense—like a dream.
Truth means nothing, wealth is king—
Such is life in everything.
A Miraculous Escape
A secret way to hide, you say?
An island passed to you one day?..
Or better yet—let Muse decree,
And follow art to set you free!
A Question for the "Medical Minds"
We've got a surgeon, doc, and shrink,
For every pain, for every kink.
But where’s the fool-ologist, pray tell?
The world’s infested—can’t you tell?
Permanent Fascism
The coffin nails are weak and cracked—
The Beast returns with strength intact.
Revived from slumber, bold and sly,
It calls old Hell the "New" and "High."
And fools will cheer, they’ll take the bait—
No tyrant shouts, "I bring you hate!"
If first he feeds, they’ll trust his charm,
Then lies will lock them in his arms.
Deception leads where slaughter waits,
For bloodshed is the fraud’s real fate.
And "foes" will soon be named again—
Picked from the lands of "neighbor-men."
Heart, Not Will or Mind
Listen close—let Heart be guide,
Not cold Reason, not dull Pride.
Gold and glory pass you by,
Yet your voice will reach the sky.
Strength and power—let them grow,
Shaped in verse, in prose, in art.
Not for “fame,” just let it flow,
Light and free—your truest part.
Thoughts weigh heavy, press too deep,
Crushing dreams that long to leap.
Drown in logic, force your Muse—
All you’ll make is empty ruse.
Придуманная история и современная Чушь
"Былая слава" ерундою
В "умах" рабов опять сидит,
И не даёт юнцам покою.
Реальность — Чушь, Маразм и Стыд.
А если так, какая слава?!
Причина — следствие-****ец.
Из закулисья, "вечно права",
Диктует нелюдь Путь Овец.
Убой и стрижка "вечной славой".
И так в былые времена.
"История" — сплошной отравой.
Чушь опускает ниже Дна.
Движение от Дна до Днища —
Вот вся история людей.
Обманов тухлое вонище
Как средство деланья зверей.
И показал говнид всё Днище,
А оттенила Мрак война.
Не верь и думай САМ, дружище,
Сквозь Чушь взирая. Сатана
Стоит за Мерзостью Обманов.
Не в`идны, коль громадны те.
Лишь нью-ворота для баранов
Перед глазами в Пустоте.
Sea of sorrow, thoughts are none—
Is the dreary path had done?..
Komsomol-Fascist Truth
The worm of doubt is dead—destroyed,
By "truth" in poison, thickly spread.
The F;hrer speaks—his truth is law,
Doubt it once, and you’ll be dead.
Almost a Daily Sketch
Lazy dumplings, days so bleak —
We’re slaves to hell, absurd and weak.
Crisis of Genre
When "strangeness" yields to lies instead,
And praise is sung to all things dead,
The fleeting world is not your key—
Stay true to strangeness, let it be.
Faith is Sulfur, Mind in Lies
Deceit's prevailed, the mind's astray—
And sulfur burns where faith once lay!
The Question
I take black paint and start to trace
A portrait, landscapes, lines unclear.
Some faces seem so out of place—
At times, their meaning isn’t near.
Then crimson ochre joins the night,
With blood and darkness mixed anew.
Amidst this world so dull and trite—
Have I not grasped a single clue?
A Fabricated Tale and Modern Nonsense
The "ancient glory" haunts again
The minds of slaves—depraved, insane.
It keeps the youth in restless chains,
Yet truth is Shame, Decay, and Pain.
What glory, then? The cause is dire—
A rotten loop, a doomed affair.
From shadows, ruling with its fire,
The soulless beast directs the herd.
Their fate? The slaughter, endless shearing,
As once before—no change at all.
History—venom, dark, deceiving,
A lie that pulls you down to crawl.
From Depths to Abyss—one direction,
The course of mankind through the years.
And foul deceit, in its infection,
Transforms men’s souls to beasts of fears.
Behold! The Abyss, reeking, endless,
And War—a shadow in its wake.
Think for yourself, defy the senseless,
See through the Nonsense. Hell’s at stake.
Behind the Fraud, the Devil’s grinning,
Too vast to notice, clear as day.
For sheep—new gates, yet none are winning,
Just empty space and void decay.
Rat Race
The rat race is spinning.
Grow fatter! Grow fatter!
The vile rise to winning—
More ruthless, more bitter.
The Light of True Wisdom
True wisdom’s light must find its way
Through science twisted into lies.
But walls of falsehood block the day—
Soft light alone won’t break their ties.
The Last Drops of Humanity
"A drop of humanity is worth more than all the rules in the world."
—Jean Piaget
Squeeze them out, drop by drop,
Seal them in a grand display.
Step on rakes, let lies not stop—
Deceit must lead the way.
New laws written, forged with hate,
So demons reign and rot consumes.
Humanity fades—this is our fate,
While darkness laughs, the void resumes.
Few drops left—CowID has shown,
The lowest depths we’ve plunged beneath.
The masses fell, their shame now known—
A global fall, a fate of grief.
Мечты о будущем
О будущем мечтать — докука,
Коль настоящего сплошь нет.
Лишь полбеды тоска и скука.
Беда — всеобщий страх плюс бред.
Причина-следствие: итогом
Всё будет хуже, чем вчера —
Очнёшься ты в мирке убогом,
Где победит тебя Мура.
Movie Stars
No bright life to live—
They stare at the screen.
Think your light can give?
It’s long gone, unseen...
Reflections remain,
Fake shine in its stead.
That's the price of shame—
Spirit left for dead.
Choice was sold for dust,
No strength to say "no."
Stars are dim in trust—
Their films? Hollow show.
Madness, dull decay—
Slavery at core.
If no light remains,
Feed on movie lore.
Nothing is lost, though all may seem
Defeated in the human eye.
Only when the soul gives in
Is all forsaken, left to die.
No effort—then comes helpless strife.
Fight till the end, resist the wrong!
But first, expose the web of lies
That made you blind and led you on.
Too often, you will chase the shade,
Wasting strength in aimless flight,
Wandering down the hollow ways,
Lost in dreams that blur the light.
Yet fate is false—a mindless thread,
No law can bind the spirit's will.
Defy the dark, and fear will shred—
Deception fades when movement's real.
But bow before the chains of spite,
Then you're no more than dust and grime.
Pseudoscience Is a Curse
A cunning game, a wicked scheme—
It buys the crowd with market wares.
Then floods the world with hollow dreams,
And nonsense reigns, yet no one cares.
They mix in “proof” to prop the lie,
So Creatures thrive in grand deceit.
The fools believe—don’t question why,
For “science” serves to bring them heat.
Coal and Diamonds
The world is filled with empty chatter,
A flood of words without a mind.
Yet fools keep speaking—does it matter?
A diamond’s voice is hard to find.
And few will hear its rare reflection,
For coal is valued far above.
A gem, squeezed out through pure compression,
Is prized by those whose wealth is love.
The ones who treasure thought and reason—
True nobles of the soul and wit.
But fools prefer the void's cohesion,
For nothing clings to nothingness.
Phantasmagorias of Pseudoscience
"The progress of knowledge requires constant reformulation of previous viewpoints."
— Jean Piaget
To rewrite theories—what’s the use?
They’ve turned to specters, lost in haze.
No longer serve the mind—abused,
A tangled web of hollow maze.
They serve but evil, clear as day—
CowID has shown the world this plight.
And progress withered, slipped away—
Too many parasites to fight.
Virtual Sailors
Goebbels-media took hold—
CowID, then the Russian threat.
We have sailed where darkness rolled,
With minds polluted—drowned in debt.
Dreams of the Future
To dream of days that lie ahead
Feels pointless when the now is bare.
Not just despair and fear we dread—
Delusion hangs thick in the air.
Cause and effect: the course is set,
Tomorrow sinks below today.
You'll wake to find your world beset,
Where rubbish leads—and you obey.
To blend an actor with his role—
A warning sign, a troubling mark.
This way, the world will lose control
And soon descend to rot and dark.
It happened once, yet now we see
The agents push them more and more—
"Stay in your script, let life agree!"
Both on and off the film set's floor.
Head Against the Wall
The world’s a prison, cell by cell.
Heads keep striking stone in vain.
The Jailer sleeps, immune to hell—
No knocking breaks the iron chain.
A storm must tear these walls apart,
For that’s the only path from pain.
Few will reach a world restart—
The ones who shunned the dark domain.
The Smoky Lamp
"Some speak with grace, yet void of thought, their words but empty air.
They light a fire—not for warmth, but just to fill the room with smoke."
— Peter Abelard, 12th century
A smoky lamp of hollow talk
Has wrapped the world in ashen haze—
A vast, unending vault of mock,
Where idols set the air ablaze.
Through choking clouds, a light may gleam,
Yet barely flickers through the night.
We suffocate in fumes of scheme,
Till dizzy heads confuse the right.
Мельчают темы лженауки,
Зато реклама высший класс,
Ведь оглупляют эти суки
Почти что каждого из нас.
Искать поддержку идиотов
Таланту смерть, а потому
Умри один, зато в Полёте,
Сказав "прощай" всему дерьму.
A Judas, a fraud,
A word-twisting lord,
Far worse than Pol Pot—
Sends fools to be shot.
With lies they command,
The beasts rule the land.
Through filth and through war,
Their words kill much more—
Yet fools march along,
For “safety” they’re gone.
The Path of Doubt
Doubt leads the way—rejecting lies,
Relying on your mind alone.
You’ll leave the fools, the blind, unwise,
And find the light of thought your own.
Don’t seek the sane in herds that cower,
Obedient to evil’s call.
Their only goal—preserve their power,
By wrapping fear in lies for all.
And those who dare to doubt and see
Are rare amidst the mindless throng.
Yet now the word spreads endlessly—
That such as they don’t quite belong.
Self-regard is still opinion,
Fleeting all, they fade away.
Entropy brings decomposition—
Rotting stumps still dream of may.
About Predators
A barracuda isn’t worst—
There’s one more vicious, cruel, and vile.
It walks the earth, its soul accursed—
A Judas lost to truth and bearing guile.
The Path to the Pen
Read to escape,
Watch, drift away,
Don’t interfere—
Let scum betray.
They rob, they lie,
Yet none resist.
The fall is nigh—
A fate unmissed.
The price—your mind,
Your soul in pain.
Honor declined—
The sheep remain.
Proportions and Final Sums
The doubtful ones are far and few,
The blind believers crowd the way.
And so, in lies, without a clue,
Pseudoscience fades away.
Doubt was cast out from the masses,
Propaganda rules supreme.
Now the world, ensnared in ashes,
Feeds the Beast’s eternal scheme.
Filth has shown its face unshaken,
War now writes the next grim page.
Fools embrace the doom awakened,
Slaves to madness, vice, and rage.
Few remain whose minds aren’t taken,
Doubt’s the cure, but thought is banned.
Evil’s reign is now unshaken—
That’s the sum, as fate had planned.
The honest science fades away,
But ads are sharper than a knife—
Those bastards fool us every day
And dumb down almost every life.
The taxman is the devil’s blade,
Dissecting all with greed displayed.
He takes his tithe—no less, but more,
Yet idiots endure the chore.
He carves the world, a lifeless heap,
And tears off chunks to hoard and keep—
All for a rule where slaves obey,
Schwab-style, in the modern way.
To seek a fool’s acclaim is vain,
For talent, it’s a deathly snare.
So die alone—but soar again,
And leave behind the world’s despair.
Последний сет
Пробитье Дна всемирным спортом,
Что популярней, чем футбол;
Демократичней — все различья стёрты.
Последний сет. Даёшь матчбол!
Strike, Don’t Cry
Strike—don’t weep,
Let fate decide.
Ignore the heap—
God will judge, not pride.
Almost Chess…
A knight’s move—
Chance to prove.
One step more—
Checkmate’s shore.
Darkness nears,
Ends all gears.
Mind will fall,
Shadows call…
Breaking the Bottom as a Global Sport
The sport of hitting rock bottom's thriving,
More loved than football, far and wide.
No ranks, no borders—none surviving.
The final set. Match point. Decide!
Our Masha
Masha dreams of kids and gold,
Hunts a goat both fat and bold.
Plenty goats are roaming near,
But the gold? It’s never clear.
Burning the Nonsense
It’s time to burn—this filth and grime,
This wretched sludge, this waste of time.
The rabbit hole is packed so tight,
And He who made this world of blight
Keeps pressing down, a ruthless force,
Blind to the limits of this course.
The Lord of Lies, lost in his game,
Has surely gone completely insane...
But then a distant glow arose,
It stirred the Sun—its fire grows.
Its mighty light will cleanse the stain,
And burn the madness once again.
What comes next? None can say.
Yet as the End draws near, don’t stray
Into self-deceit and lies—
Then you may see through their disguise.
Feminism, or Our Masha
Masha’s mind is in a haze,
Not from malice—just her ways.
Poisoned thoughts, a bitter blend—
"Trained to labor" till the end...
Deadly Shame
Thunder roars—
Rain then pours.
Lies the same—
Death in name.
Fraud runs deep,
Nations sleep.
Like CowID,
Shame can bleed.
The True Original Sin
Take heed—
If bright, sincere,
No bows, no lies, no trace of fear—
Then wealth won’t come, but neither shame,
For lies and gold are much the same.
Deceivers thrive in markets grim,
Where truth is sold for profit’s whim.
A poet starving stays divine—
He won’t commit that primal crime.
Faith in the Kind Intentions of the Reigning Evil
Winds of "change" arise,
Sweeping old world ties.
Evil shapes it all—
Trust it, and you fall.
Lies will guide your way,
Toil or death to stay.
Choices? None at all—
Satan rules with thrall.
The new Ruling Sharps
Suits won’t show, the game's unfair,
High cards lost without a trace.
Yet they swear—no tricks, they swear!
Just new cheats now run the place.
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