Мечты о будущем

Мечты о будущем

О будущем мечтать — докука,
Коль настоящего сплошь нет.
Лишь полбеды тоска и скука.
Беда — всеобщий страх плюс бред.

Причина-следствие: итогом
Всё будет хуже, чем вчера —
Очнёшься ты в мирке убогом,
Где победит тебя Мура.


Dreams of the Future

To dream of days that lie ahead
Feels pointless when the now is bare.
Not just despair and fear we dread—
Delusion hangs thick in the air.

Cause and effect: the course is set,
Tomorrow sinks below today.
You'll wake to find your world beset,
Where rubbish leads—and you obey.


Phantasmagorias of Pseudoscience

"The progress of knowledge requires constant reformulation of previous viewpoints."
— Jean Piaget

To rewrite theories—what’s the use?
They’ve turned to specters, lost in haze.
No longer serve the mind—abused,
A tangled web of hollow maze.

They serve but evil, clear as day—
CowID has shown the world this plight.
And progress withered, slipped away—
Too many parasites to fight.



To blend an actor with his role—
A warning sign, a troubling mark.
This way, the world will lose control
And soon descend to rot and dark.

It happened once, yet now we see
The agents push them more and more—
"Stay in your script, let life agree!"
Both on and off the film set's floor.


Pseudoscience Is a Curse

A cunning game, a wicked scheme—
It buys the crowd with market wares.
Then floods the world with hollow dreams,
And nonsense reigns, yet no one cares.

They mix in “proof” to prop the lie,
So Creatures thrive in grand deceit.
The fools believe—don’t question why,
For “science” serves to bring them heat.


Movie Stars

No bright life to live—
They stare at the screen.
Think your light can give?
It’s long gone, unseen...

Reflections remain,
Fake shine in its stead.
That's the price of shame—
Spirit left for dead.

Choice was sold for dust,
No strength to say "no."
Stars are dim in trust—
Their films? Hollow show.

Madness, dull decay—
Slavery at core.
If no light remains,
Feed on movie lore.


Coal and Diamonds

The world is filled with empty chatter,
A flood of words without a mind.
Yet fools keep speaking—does it matter?
A diamond’s voice is hard to find.

And few will hear its rare reflection,
For coal is valued far above.
A gem, squeezed out through pure compression,
Is prized by those whose wealth is love.

The ones who treasure thought and reason—
True nobles of the soul and wit.
But fools prefer the void's cohesion,
For nothing clings to nothingness.


The Smoky Lamp

"Some speak with grace, yet void of thought, their words but empty air.
They light a fire—not for warmth, but just to fill the room with smoke."
— Peter Abelard, 12th century

A smoky lamp of hollow talk
Has wrapped the world in ashen haze—
A vast, unending vault of mock,
Where idols set the air ablaze.

Through choking clouds, a light may gleam,
Yet barely flickers through the night.
We suffocate in fumes of scheme,
Till dizzy heads confuse the right.



Nothing is lost, though all may seem
Defeated in the human eye.
Only when the soul gives in
Is all forsaken, left to die.

No effort—then comes helpless strife.
Fight till the end, resist the wrong!
But first, expose the web of lies
That made you blind and led you on.

Too often, you will chase the shade,
Wasting strength in aimless flight,
Wandering down the hollow ways,
Lost in dreams that blur the light.

Yet fate is false—a mindless thread,
No law can bind the spirit's will.
Defy the dark, and fear will shred—
Deception fades when movement's real.

But bow before the chains of spite,
Then you're no more than dust and grime.


Virtual Sailors

Goebbels-media took hold—
CowID, then the Russian threat.
We have sailed where darkness rolled,
With minds polluted—drowned in debt.


Head Against the Wall

The world’s a prison, cell by cell.
Heads keep striking stone in vain.
The Jailer sleeps, immune to hell—
No knocking breaks the iron chain.

A storm must tear these walls apart,
For that’s the only path from pain.
Few will reach a world restart—
The ones who shunned the dark domain.

--- Total 11 poems. ---
