Игорь Выхованец, стихи 7401-7500

Игорь Выхованец, стихи: 7401-7500

I'll Bake a Bitter Pie

I will knead a heavy dough
Out of words both sharp and grim.
Bake a pie with honest glow
For the ones who won’t give in.

Those who see through endless lying,
Who won’t chase the Hell ahead.
For the world is long past dying—
Drenched in fire, not cooling yet.



A tyrant’s grand delusion,
His “kindly” mask—illusion.
Yet fools still kneel and follow,
Led like sheep to sorrow.


The "Peak" of the World

A skyscraper scrapes the sky,
While the drudge, like meek plankton,
Toils away with hollow eyes—
Stamped out, useless, then he's gone.

No more space for thoughtful minds,
Cunning rules the money game.
Dumber Evil’s new designs
Promise "change"—yet all’s the same.

Fools and scum now set the pace,
Every foe they brush aside.
Greater Shame now takes its place—
Choking all in hollow pride.

Higher, higher—let it rise!
A skyscraper built on Shame.
Till the herd is hypnotized,
Stripped of soul, reduced to game.


Stock up on dark humor, on sarcasm and spite—
In a world full of Evil, it’s only right.
Will you beat all the liars, the sickening frauds?
No—just get turned to the scapegoat for gods.


Чистый лист Сознания —
Чушь напишут там:
Ложью истязание —
Мировой Бедлам.


Кучи Дерьма и Рогатый Бог

Надеялись на лучшее,
А получили прах:
Дорога между Кучами —
Нас в Ад ведёт Аллах.


Растленье молодёжи —
Важнейшее из дел.
Всё просто: Чушь умножить,
Усилив беспредел.


Искусство говорить "нет!"

"Пока ты не способен сказать "нет", твоё "да" бессмысленно".

Сказать не можешь мразям "нет!",
То толерастия все "да".
Таким путём усилишь бред —
И травку лжи пойдёшь в стада

И спать —
Убоя ждать.


Corrupting all the youth
Is now the highest deed.
Just spread the shameless "truth"
And fuel the lawless greed.


Obedience to Slaughter

Obedience—straight to the knife,
Resistance—buried, left to die.
A fascist hell is born to life,
Emerging in the blink of eye.


Heaps of Filth and the Horned God

We hoped for light, for something bright,
But all we got was dust.
The road between these Heaps of Blight
Drags us to Hell in trust.


The Art of Saying "No"

"Until you can say 'no,' your 'yes' is meaningless."
— Osho

If you can't tell the vermin "No!"
Then all your "Yes" is just a game.
You'll feed the madness, let it grow,
And join the herd to chew the same—

Just graze.
Just sleep.
Just learn to weep.


Celery Won’t Heal the Mind

No leek or celery can mend
The wounds that rot your dying mind.
Wake up, you fool, this is the end—
Life has left us all behind.

The mind’s not king—it's just a part,
The Spirit rules, it stands above!
Deny this truth—and lost you are,
Crushed by Beasts that know no love.


Trivial Dreams

We cling to hopes of days ahead,
We mourn the past with weary sighs.
Yet life, unnoticed, melts and sheds—
We trade it all for hollow lies.

Tomorrow turns to nightmare’s glare,
And yesterday dissolves in haze.
The world’s a wound too vast to bear,
All else—just trivial displays.


Madness and Decay

Madness, fear, and fading light,
Shame that burns, a crumbling sight—
With the next degraded wave,
We will kneel and march to grave.

Bruised and bent in well-known pose,
Storms no longer bring us woes.
Tears are pointless, all is frozen—
Crowds are numb, their minds are broken...


Fortresses of Hollow Lies

These fortresses of hollow lies
Can’t be breached by blast or drill.
If you seek to stay alive,
Walk on fast—but tread with skill.

For every path is lined with mines,
And truth is scarce where falsehood thrives.


A blank sheet of Mind—
They will stain with lies.
Tortured and confined
As the World denies.


О безумной поре барановируса

Загоны городов говнидом
Испытаны на вшивость днесь.
Провален опыт: ТВАРЕЙ гниды
Прогнули мир почти что весь.


Memes of the Luciferian System

The System’s rules—deceit and lies,
Its memes ensure "progressive" guise,
A tool to tighten, bit by bit,
The beasts' dominion, force, and grip.

The memes grew sharper, bolder still,
More obscene and full of skill—
For many eager, servile swine
Have honed the craft and toed the line.

Their teacher, Goebbels, did his best
To shape the feeble, clueless nest.
Now dumber crowds obey and bend,
So memes must spread without an end.

With tangled words they rule the weak,
The halfwits taught the lines to speak.
And for the docile, brainwashed lot—
A catchy meme will do the job.


"Choice," They Say

Fish may choose,
Or some big wheel.
Or the bend
Of shower steel.

Naught beyond—
That’s all we know.
Clear as day:
We've hit the low.


Mindless Rot: No Thought, Just Plot

Thinking’s hard? Then why pretend?
Or has your brain just gone to rot?
A hollow stump with thoughtless hands
Now builds the world into a knot...


The Poisonous Mire

To shake the beasts with fear and fire—
That's how deception takes its root.
Seek knowledge, sharpen and aspire,
Or drown within the Poisonous Mute.

For lies in "wisdom" lurk and fester,
Yet only instincts see the snare.
Expose the fraud, reveal the jester,
Let reason blaze instead of flare.

Don’t let it smolder, choked by feeling—
The path is clear, yet few will try.
The fools, in blind emotion kneeling,
See nothing greater than their pride.


About the Mad Age of Sheep-Virus

The city pens of CowID,
Put to the test, exposed their breed.
The trial failed: vile lice of greed
Have bent the world to suit their need.


"Choice," They Say

Is it choice—
Or just a gleam?
World’s a rack,
And beasts—extreme.


The Mind’s Futile Toil

The world is swarmed with half-beast kin,
Thus reason’s works all meet their fall—
For only HUMANS hear within
The Highest calling—if at all.

Yet minds fall ill, consumed by blight,
Few stand to heed the noble peak.
And toil of reason, stripped of light,
If blind to Him—then you’re a freak.


The Freaks of Politics

So many twisted, soulless breeds,
Yet all emerge from just one source.
Their goal? To set the kin at odds,
To pit the neighbor in the course.

Their master—Satan. Few will see,
Just party heads know what’s at play.
The rest are pawns, they serve for free—
No physicist will light their way.

One cashbox fuels the whole charade,
Yet tell the fools their banks compete.
They twist the minds through lies well-paid,
Like poisoned cheese—a deadly treat.

The Cheesemaster will grant them more,
For folly feeds his grandest feast.
Deception spreads—the richest store,
And fools bring profit to the beast.

That profit? Agony and dread,
The beasts extract from human prey.
And puppets dance as Satan’s bred—
Just minions in this foul play.


Muse or Girth?

For poets, oft the choice is clear—
The belly wins, the verse must die.
Thus many songs just disappear...
All hail the filth they raise up high!


The Muse That Drags You Down

The Muse pulls down—a heavy chain—
To social depths, a hopeless mire.
Yet rising high, a stench remains,
Where eagles, cranes will choke and tire.

A foolish canary, caged in gold,
Still sings for beasts in their domain,
Its feeble tunes, so meek and cold,
Just blend into their wailing strain.



A pawn won’t rise to claim the throne
Unless the Master sets the tone.
The path "upstairs" is smeared and sealed—
A truth the lowly won’t reveal.

They claw their way, they push and shove,
Yet sink in glue instead of move.
But serve the top—then wait and see,
A "rise" may come as your decree.

Yet only those within the pack
Will get a shove to stay on track.
The fools are told, "They've earned their place!"
Or fed some lie to keep the pace.

The Soviets proved it well enough:
The chosen rose—the rest were stuck.
A rotten caste, no shred of grace,
Where honor lost its rightful place.

And now it's worse—the filth runs deep,
They serve the BEAST and watch us weep.
A world in chains, held tight once more
By fear, by lies, by Satan’s war.


Fake Originality

You chase your "joy," yourself adore,
A twisted PATH—there’s nothing more.
A standard freak, the same old way,
Just lost among the mindless stray.

Try to twist, to play pretend,
Shape yourself, yet in the end,
You can't outsmart what nature gave—
A freak you were, a freak you'll stay.


Stacked Deck

A game where cheats don’t rule the spread—
A rare exotic dream instead.
And suckers hear the same old phrase:
"No luck for you—just lost the race."

But this is more than cards they play—
It’s life itself, a rigged charade.
The deck is stacked, the rules are fake—
A hollow "order" built to break.


"Thanksgiving," They Say

A feast on blood—
Gluttony disguised.
So much "love"—
How we're mesmerized.

But first, let's slay
The tribes once more,
Pour some punch,
Then feast galore.

Two hundred years—
What will remain?
Just the bird—
The rest's in vain.

Pour a drink
To drown the past,
While terror here
Still holds us fast.

Brutal hands,
Their greed obscene,
Marching sheep
Through gates unseen.

A tyrant grins,
Brings war anew—
Lies, fear, shame
Drown all in view.


Global Insanity

The madness grows, runs wild, untamed,
And few escape it unashamed.
The path is hard, the price is steep
For Brave and True—yet not the weak.


Generations on Their Knees

Generations bow in chains,
Yet some insist they’re free from pain—
So "happy," lost in blind delight,
With rotting minds and hollow sight.


The Lie of "Normal Life"

To write of "normal life" is bland,
No duller pastime could be found.
For COMMON LIFE is sleight of hand,
A farce that turns to madness round.

You wear a mask—till mind is split,
Illusions drag you down the road.
One path remains—the soul to lift,
Yet FEW will walk that heavy load.

No pretense there—just truth shines bright,
If fearless, you will see it through.
And "normal" burns in blinding light—
Replaced by something pure and true.


Artificial Problems

The PLAN of PROBLEMS, all arranged,
For BEASTLY minds—a mapped-out way.
A brand-new cycle is exchanged
Once the LOWER hits its day.

The feeble crowd, so blind, misled,
Needs old-time tales with fresh decay—
A touch of "new" on what was dead,
And all will cheer and drift away.


The Real Hunchback

A hunchback’s not the one who’s bent,
But he who bears the lies—content,
And drags them on from birth to grave,
Still chanting, "Trust the chiefs, behave!"

Yet filth and nonsense pile high,
His path is heavy—crushed thereby.
That weight will lead where fates align:
A CowID ward or a fascist line.


Stationary bike

Boldly on the bike I ride,
Cherishing the cozy air.
No green landscapes stretch outside—
Just a mural hanging there.


The Muse’s gate is hard to cross,
Its price is steep—of that we’re sure.
No promise shields you from the loss
Of worth, if what you bring is poor.

Madness and genius—fools proclaim
They walk as one, yet that’s a lie.
The herd, in madness, fears the flame
Of those who dare to cast off ties.

They brand as “mad” what breaks their chain,
Yet bow to whispers, dull and blind—
The teachers preaching hollow pain,
Destroying thought, unshaping mind.


Red-cheeked fools in dreams arise,
Drenched in sweat, I wake in fear.
Twisted wretches sharpen lies,
Though they vanish year by year.

CowID, war—it’s no surprise,
The ruling beasts must thin the herd.
No great secret hides their ties,
They serve the Evil, bound by word.

Fools may aid them, yet their might
Is nothing but a fleeting spark.
The beasts bring weapons back to light—
A flood of words, a shield so dark.

For fools are armor, words are blades,
Their dullness firm as stone remains.
No longer do they bring charades,
Their masters rise from shadowed plains.

These pawns are used to crush the wise,
A mass to smother thought and spark.
Too little strength is left—time flies,
And no one halts the coming dark.


To the queen, no pawns bring trouble,
If it's not a chessboard fight.
They're just toys—no more than rubble,
Empty moves and hollow might.


Hornless Lies

"Spin myths about yourselves. The gods began that way."
— Stanis;aw Jerzy Lec

A myth can veil the thirst for might,
Hide horns beneath a sacred tale.
Then scriptures preach the gods were right—
Their mercy vast, their wrath so pale.

And so we watch as tyrants play,
Their legends told, their tales refined.
They promise heaven far away—
While leading us to be confined.


"All will be fine!" they say.
A rotten broth they spray,
Then pour it from the heights,
To blind and drown the sights.
The fools, once more, obey—
To toil and die they stray.


"Doctors," so-called

With gadgets draped, they speak in codes,
Their Latin reeks of rot and mold.
So grave, so smug—disgusting loads,
Their greed for gold is plain and bold.

Their “cures” are but a slow demise,
They drain your coin, then let you fade.
Just masking symptoms, selling lies,
Like goblins in a twisted trade.

And when CowID took its toll,
Two-thirds revealed their wretched role.


Crossroads loom—what path to take,
When most just lead to Murk and Wrack?
Choices fade, but don’t forsake—
Step off the road, forge your track.


Cherry blossoms bloom.
Poet waits for rhyme.
Yet the haiku lingers—
Lost in thought and time.


Foe—a fool.


Сторонись ВСЕГО!

Тот, кто платит,
Тут "король", —
На подхвате
В алчи голь:
Скучный, пакостный мирок.
Сторониться — твой зарок.


Перекошено сознанье —
Чушь голимая и ложь —
Посреди фашистской срани,
Что вгоняет Чутких в дрожь...


Труба зовёт
Безумный сброд
На бой, на труд —
В них Дух сотрут.


The Call

The trumpet cries,
The mad arise.
To fight, to slave—
Their soul’s the grave.


Rat Race

From cradle to track—
No turning back.
They push, they chide,
No room for pride.

No time to reflect—
Just run, don’t suspect.
By race’s grim end,
No mind left to mend.


Avoid It All!

He who pays —
Rules the ground.
Crowds obey,
Lurking 'round.
Dull and dirty is their call—
Stay away, avoid it all!


Global Nonsense

The worst of sins is feeding lies,
Adding more to filth and rot,
Twisting minds and scarring souls
In a battle foul and fraught.

Bombs are just a minor token—
LIES OF WAR bring real decay.
Frauds and fools spew poison, hoping
Fame will come along their way.

Eager sheep, so blind, submissive,
Bow to Evil, lost in haze.
Led by Goats into the chasm,
Trapped in fear and false displays.

Through deceit, the Goat commands them,
Dangles “hope” yet fans their fright.
Once so timid—now they're shaking,
Numb from terror, lost in night.


Twisted Minds

Warped perception, lies, deceit—
Empty nonsense, crude conceit.
In the filth where tyrants tread,
Sensitive hearts recoil in dread.


Mindless Bliss

Oh, this bliss of the mindless—
So fragile, so weak.
Through troubles and trials,
It crumbles, too meek.

Yet no other is given,
If you dare to see clear.
Truth is lost, thought forbidden—
No great wisdom dwells here.



"Fate is but chance—but who pulls the strings?"
—Stanis;aw Jerzy Lec

A storm of chance, yet Evil steers,
Guiding all toward the dark.
Shadows whisper, bending gears,
Hidden hands ignite the spark.

Creeping beasts, concealed, obey,
Shaping ruin, veiled yet tight.
Man-made chaos lights the way—
Blurry lines reveal their sight.

All leads back to one control,
Filth has shown the tangled thread.
Through decay, their twisted goal:
Gnawing Spirit until it’s dead.


Knocking on "Heaven"

Knock on “heaven,” dare to try—
Horned one greets with judging eye.
Quickly sends you down below,
For your boldness—doom will grow.

Hells have “heavens” of their own,
Where the wicked kneel and groan.
Don’t go knocking—bite instead,
For fiends, true paradise is dread.


Schooling Years

Through all your school days,
They smother nature’s ways,
They drown you in lies,
Wrap chains in disguise.

Yet only through art
Can you stand apart—
Or fade with the weak,
Lost, dull, and bleak.


Will is Fragile

Will’s a structure, hard to build,
Weariness will see it killed.
When destruction clouds the sky,
Drenched in fear and soaked in lies,

Rest must be your shield and guide,
Or you’ll break and fade inside.
Briefly shines your fleeting light—
Mastered only by your blight.


Новый Апокалипсис, или Из Ада в Ад

Ад продолжается. Смерть избавленьем
Станет иль снова всех мордой в дерьмо?
Снова зашкалят в Аду разложенье
Разума, Духа, поставив клеймо

В скудный умишко? Названье "свобода"
Будет иметь эта рабства печать
Вновь? И отбор Злу покорных уродов
Снова устроят — "наверх", "управлять".

Снова лишь с видимостью управленья —
ТВАРИ ЦеУ будут вновь им давать?
Вновь деградация чрез поколенья
Станет кошмаром? И не миновать

Новых ударов Природы, чтоб снова
Цикл повторять до скончанья времён?
Видимо, мало злым ТВАРЯМ улова,
И повторенье Маразма новейший закон...


Cunning Twist

A cunning trick, a wicked fate—
Grim Armageddon’s at the gate.
It’s almost here, yet fools stay blind,
Too dull to see the end in sight.


The Final Countdown

The fools once were treated, but now there's no need—
They've grown into mobs, the majority breed.
The world's at its end—if not days, then in years,
The final countdown now rings in our ears.

The herds faced a test—yet they failed it in full,
The lesson is clear: time to cull every fool.
A worldwide camp they will build in its stead,
For Spirit is gone, and the mind left for dead.

And if the fool bows, staying quiet and mild,
Then straight to that camp he will march, reconciled.


German Submarine

Submarine. Heroes. Germans. War.
Yankees drop bombs—sink to the floor.
Heroes as well? Who’s keeping score?
Scoundrels on both sides—nothing more!

Fooled by the cause, they marched to fight,
Opening doors to endless night.
Madness was hailed as law and right,
Clung to delusions—lost from sight.

Demons will grant them steam and fire—
Blood-soaked baths at fate’s desire.
Tally the fallen—count the breath,
"Heroes" deceived and led to death.


You Must Care

You must question, seek, and wonder,
Or you’ll rot in filth and shame—
Just another wretch who'd squander
All but greed and hollow fame.

Blind to evil, vice, and ruin,
Deaf to suffering and cries,
Lost in Hell, where lies are brewing—
Drunken fool with vacant eyes.


Success in Synthesis

Headfirst into walls—progress in motion,
That’s how we push through, no need for delay.
Raising a breed with blind-eyed devotion—
Fools with no conscience to stand in our way.

Foreheads of stone instead of perception—
That’s what the prophets of madness have taught.
Generations shaped by deception,
Schooled in the dogmas of nonsense and rot.

Nonsense alone is weak, just laughter,
Foreheads alone—just brittle bones.
Blend them together, and soon thereafter,
Hatred will conquer the world as its own.

Ukraine has witnessed synthesis thriving—
Orcs in their glory, marching ahead.
Fear turns to ice in veins still surviving,
While iron foreheads shield the undead.

Bound into one, the madness and power,
Fused like a single unshakable hive.
Mines do not scare them—straight through they tower,
Leaping to paradise, thinking they’ll thrive.



Brutes—unyielding, vicious, cold,
Stuffed with lies that they uphold.
Crude and shallow, dull and base,
Mocking truth with shameless face.

Rotten minds, and blind in might,
Venomous to those with sight.
Evil’s stronghold, rough and raw—
Swamps where countless fools still crawl.


Thorough Slavery

"Those who would give up liberty to gain security deserve neither."
—Benjamin Franklin, 18th century

A Founding Father once spoke about freedom,
Yet built an empire—a fortress of chains.
No sign of liberty—none, if you seek them
Among the masses they proudly proclaim.

Laws on mere paper ensure their protection,
While chosen offenders stay high on the throne.
Through wars they inflict the worst devastation,
Outmatching villains long overthrown.

Worse than the crooks are the lawmen who guard them,
The so-called "Founders" of vile design.
Dragging the people to depths ever darker—
For all must be cattle, by Evil's assign.


New Apocalypse, or From Hell to Hell

Hell never ends. Will death bring salvation,
Or will we wallow in filth once again?
Rot will consume every mind and each nation,
Branding the spirit with madness and stain.

"Freedom" will once more be stamped as submission,
Slavery masked as the will of the free.
Monsters obedient—newly commissioned—
Rising to rule in their vile tyranny.

Ruling in name, but in truth—merely puppets,
Guided by masters who lurk in the shade.
Cycles of ruin, descending in buckets,
Spanning through time as the future decays.

Nature will strike, yet the cycle keeps turning,
Round after round till the end of all days.
Beasts of corruption are still left there yearning—
Madness repeated—new law on display...


Exit at Entry

"The exit is often where entry was made."
—Stanis;aw Jerzy Lec

Entry, exit.
Exit, door.
You won’t make it—
That’s for sure,
If your mind’s a scattered war.


В Аду

Пашем, наших уважаем,
Душу тихо убиваем.
Стали ТВАРЕЙ урожаем.
"Всё нормально" — мы считаем.


Чуждый мир — сознанью тир:
Мысли в нём всегда мишени.
Средь убогих поколений
Единицы исключений,
Кто, хоть ранен, не сдаётся —
Мыслит и пытается бороться.


Рабство — главная проблема,
Размышлений грустных тема
Постоянная, иначе
Раб безумный за "удачей"
Устремляется итогом
Оглупления в убогом
Пошлом мире, где "свободой"
Кличут сказки для уродов. 


Насильем _"доброе" внедряют,
Обычно тонким, потому
Рабы безумные считают,
Что служат оному... _Дерьму.


Купидон, пошёл ты вон —
Размноженье в рабстве чушь.
Оглупленье в нём закон.
Цель — избытье в черни душ.


They force their “good” through silent chains,
A subtle touch—no open pains.
And so the madmen, blind, obey,
Believing filth to be their way.


Slavery’s the core affliction,
Source of endless sad reflections.
If ignored, the fool will chase
"Fortune" in a mindless race,
Dulled and drained, a willing pawn
In a world so crude, so wrong,
Where the twisted proudly say:
"Freedom" is the fools' ballet.


A world so strange—a firing ground,
Where every thought is shot and drowned.
Amidst the weak, a few remain,
Wounded, yet they shun the chain—
Thinking still, refusing fate,
Striving hard to stand and wait.


Cupid, get lost—I've seen enough!
Breeding slaves is foolish stuff.
Dulling minds is all it brings,
Crushing souls beneath Devil's "kings".


In Hell

We toil, we bow, we serve, obey,
Let our souls just fade away.
Turned to cattle, bred to stay—
Yet we swear that it's okay.


We just chatter, fools in line,
Chasing women, feeling fine.
Let the world be bleak and hollow—
Winning hearts is all we follow.


The Horror of a Hollow World

They shape your mind from childhood’s start,
Instill the filth, embed the part.
You trust the lie, you play the role,
Till all dissolves—entropy’s toll.

No noble ways, no truth, no spine,
Just weak examples, dim design.
For filth prevails where spirit fades,
And empty souls serve hollow shades.

They mold you for a stagnant fate,
A puppet born to serve the state.
And in the end, what’s left to find?
A fool, enslaved in soul and mind...

But lies they are—you’re more than clay,
Your mind, your flesh—just suits to wear.
To love the cage, to kneel, obey?
Throw out such madness, strip it bare!

For since your birth, they’ve dulled your sight,
To blind your soul, to snuff its might.
Their endless chants, their hollow lore—
That is the world whose name is Horror.


Madness rules—it’s no mistake,
Darkness thrives where minds break.
Through sheer folly, fiends command,
Twisting souls with iron hand.

Lunacy secures their reign,
Spreading chaos, breeding pain.
In this world so crude, so base,
Fools keep fools in their place.


Teddy bears and childhood lies,
"Upbringing" is crude disguise.
Then comes "learning"—what a game,
Made to crush the sparks of flame.

Pointless labor, endless strain,
Drags the soul through dullest pain.
Till they’re left—distorted, weak,
Mindless fools too numb to speak.

Propaganda seals their fate,
Darkness claims them, soon or late—
Blind, obedient, unshaken,
Slaves so dreadfully forsaken.


Steelworkers forge the chains with pride,
While iron skulls breed thoughts denied.
Their madness molds, with blind embrace,
A brand-new prison for our race.


Кунсткамера безумных рабов

Кунсткамера придурков,
Предателей, тварья.
Всё для защиты шкурки!
Дрожит от них Земля.

В ней Честных — единицы:
Тотальный рабский строй.
Кто скажет: "Это мнится" —
Не дружит с головой.



Стремились мы к "великой цели",
Попутно рабство укрепляя,
Внимая, что нам твари мелют
О возрастаньи урожая,

Не ведая, что урожаем
Мы сами стали — ложь тотальна.
В ней послушаньем убиваем
Умы и души. Инфернальность

Не скажет прямо, в чём Зла цели,
Обманки, как всегда, внедряя.
Исчез Совок. Мели, Емеля,
О дерьмократии стеная!..


"Заботы" множатся — подонки
Ум добивают "блага" для.
Хвосты когда уж, перепонки
Вновь отрастут? Когда Земля

Звериной станет окончательно?
Ответ на это сам ищи,
И думай очень основательно.
На страх попался — не взыщи:

Хвост отрастёт, сам не заметишь.
Чрез страх с "заботой" множит Зло
Недолюдей. Уж редко встретишь
Людей в Загонах Для Козлов.


Засохший пряник привлекает
Как раньше. Также нужен кнут —
Сменил названье: раб считает
Его законом. Снова врут,

С методой старой, наполнитель
Чуть изменив во злобу дня.
Подёнщик ныне исполнитель-
Фрилансер. Прочая фигня...


The Mindless Herd

A mindless herd...
Will darkness be stirred,
Or led to the knife?
Fight for the light,
Or sink into night,
Lost without sight.


The Whip and Crumb

The dried-up crumb still draws devotion,
As once before—the whip still stings.
Yet now it bears a new promotion—
A "law," the slave believes it brings.

Old lies return with masks appealing,
Refilled to match the present day.
The wage-hand’s now a "freelance" worker—
Just empty words in sleek array.



The cogs and gears of lies and malice,
Machinery of purest sin.
Their wretched souls, so lost and callous,
Are bound by contracts signed in grim.

They sell us out for crumbs and wages,
Deceiving minds already dull.
And lies, well-spiced with small intrigues,
They serve as treats to keep us full.


Progress of Decline

The progress of decline is growing,
And madness soars—an upward curve.
The sum is ruin, ever showing,
Yet lies conceal it—nerve by nerve.


The Empty Rhetoric

The blabbermouth’s no fool or clown—
His role is praised, his rank is high.
He paints a myth of great renown
For idiots who trust the lie.

And they, inspired, will spread deceit,
Believing all they hear and see.
So keep the rot—the beast must feed,
The line of falsehood shan’t break free.

For lies now govern, pure, complete,
Their grip too strong to slip away.
Through CowID, we have touched defeat,
New fools will dig a deeper grave.


The Lies of Bonds

Your “closest friends” can grip your throat,
Their hands so firm, their smiles bright.
And family drifts—unless you float
With every lie and call it right.

For “friendship” often feeds on lies,
A comfort wrapped in soft deceit.
And families? Just thin disguise—
The stomach rules, the heart’s defeat.

Exceptions? Few. The world’s decayed,
Drowned in falsehood, slick and vast.
They “love,” they “care”—yet lies pervade,
Though not all show their masks so fast.

For blatant lies are but the tool
Of those who reign, devoid of grace.
Lie well—support the rotting rule—
And find your “happy” little place.


The Poet’s Crossroads

A pit ahead. To left—chains rattle.
To right—mad whispers call your name.
Behind—a path of grief and battle.
But Mandelstam first walked this flame.


"Concerns" Keep Growing

The "cares" keep growing—fools in power
Destroy the mind with gifts so sweet.
But when will tails and claws, once severed,
Grow back again? When comes that feat?

Will Earth turn beastly once and fully?
The answer—yours to seek and find.
But think it through, and think it truly—
Give in to fear, be left behind.

One day your tail will sprout unnoticed.
Through fear and "care," the dark designs
Breed soulless thralls—so few remaining
With human hearts, outside the lines.


Betraying Talent

No sin is worse than self-betrayal,
So cast distractions all aside.
Though trapped within a world so stale,
Create—let weariness subside.


The Soviet Mold

We chased a dream so grand, yet hollow,
While strengthening our chains each day,
Obeying beasts whose voices bellow
Of harvests rising on display.

Yet blind we were—ourselves the reaping,
Drowned in a sea of lies and shame,
Where minds and souls, through blind obedience,
Were sacrificed within the flame.

Dark powers mask their true intentions,
Deception spun with practiced art.
The Soviet's gone—now wail and mumble
Of "democrap" with bleeding hearts!


A Chamber of Mad Slaves

A chamber filled with traitors,
With cowards, vile and sly.
They live for self and status—
The Earth can’t help but cry.

The Honest stand as shadows
In chains of fear and lies.
Who claims it’s just delusion—
Is blind to all he spies.
