Кунсткамера безумных рабов
Кунсткамера придурков,
Предателей, тварья.
Всё для защиты шкурки!
Дрожит от них Земля.
В ней Честных — единицы:
Тотальный рабский строй.
Кто скажет: "Это мнится" —
Не дружит с головой.
Стремились мы к "великой цели",
Попутно рабство укрепляя,
Внимая, что нам твари мелют
О возрастаньи урожая,
Не ведая, что урожаем
Мы сами стали — ложь тотальна.
В ней послушаньем убиваем
Умы и души. Инфернальность
Не скажет прямо, в чём Зла цели,
Обманки, как всегда, внедряя.
Исчез Совок. Мели, Емеля,
О дерьмократии стеная!..
"Заботы" множатся — подонки
Ум добивают "блага" для.
Хвосты когда уж, перепонки
Вновь отрастут? Когда Земля
Звериной станет окончательно?
Ответ на это сам ищи,
И думай очень основательно.
На страх попался — не взыщи:
Хвост отрастёт, сам не заметишь.
Чрез страх с "заботой" множит Зло
Недолюдей. Уж редко встретишь
Людей в Загонах Для Козлов.
Засохший пряник привлекает
Как раньше. Также нужен кнут —
Сменил названье: раб считает
Его законом. Снова врут,
С методой старой, наполнитель
Чуть изменив во злобу дня.
Подёнщик ныне исполнитель-
Фрилансер. Прочая фигня...
The Mindless Herd
A mindless herd...
Will darkness be stirred,
Or led to the knife?
Fight for the light,
Or sink into night,
Lost without sight.
A Chamber of Mad Slaves
A chamber filled with traitors,
With cowards, vile and sly.
They live for self and status—
The Earth can’t help but cry.
The Honest stand as shadows
In chains of fear and lies.
Who claims it’s just delusion—
Is blind to all he spies.
The Soviet Mold
We chased a dream so grand, yet hollow,
While strengthening our chains each day,
Obeying beasts whose voices bellow
Of harvests rising on display.
Yet blind we were—ourselves the reaping,
Drowned in a sea of lies and shame,
Where minds and souls, through blind obedience,
Were sacrificed within the flame.
Dark powers mask their true intentions,
Deception spun with practiced art.
The Soviet's gone—now wail and mumble
Of "democrap" with bleeding hearts!
"Concerns" Keep Growing
The "cares" keep growing—fools in power
Destroy the mind with gifts so sweet.
But when will tails and claws, once severed,
Grow back again? When comes that feat?
Will Earth turn beastly once and fully?
The answer—yours to seek and find.
But think it through, and think it truly—
Give in to fear, be left behind.
One day your tail will sprout unnoticed.
Through fear and "care," the dark designs
Breed soulless thralls—so few remaining
With human hearts, outside the lines.
The Whip and Crumb
The dried-up crumb still draws devotion,
As once before—the whip still stings.
Yet now it bears a new promotion—
A "law," the slave believes it brings.
Old lies return with masks appealing,
Refilled to match the present day.
The wage-hand’s now a "freelance" worker—
Just empty words in sleek array.
Progress of Decline
The progress of decline is growing,
And madness soars—an upward curve.
The sum is ruin, ever showing,
Yet lies conceal it—nerve by nerve.
The Lies of Bonds
Your “closest friends” can grip your throat,
Their hands so firm, their smiles bright.
And family drifts—unless you float
With every lie and call it right.
For “friendship” often feeds on lies,
A comfort wrapped in soft deceit.
And families? Just thin disguise—
The stomach rules, the heart’s defeat.
Exceptions? Few. The world’s decayed,
Drowned in falsehood, slick and vast.
They “love,” they “care”—yet lies pervade,
Though not all show their masks so fast.
For blatant lies are but the tool
Of those who reign, devoid of grace.
Lie well—support the rotting rule—
And find your “happy” little place.
Betraying Talent
No sin is worse than self-betrayal,
So cast distractions all aside.
Though trapped within a world so stale,
Create—let weariness subside.
The cogs and gears of lies and malice,
Machinery of purest sin.
Their wretched souls, so lost and callous,
Are bound by contracts signed in grim.
They sell us out for crumbs and wages,
Deceiving minds already dull.
And lies, well-spiced with small intrigues,
They serve as treats to keep us full.
The Empty Rhetoric
The blabbermouth’s no fool or clown—
His role is praised, his rank is high.
He paints a myth of great renown
For idiots who trust the lie.
And they, inspired, will spread deceit,
Believing all they hear and see.
So keep the rot—the beast must feed,
The line of falsehood shan’t break free.
For lies now govern, pure, complete,
Their grip too strong to slip away.
Through CowID, we have touched defeat,
New fools will dig a deeper grave.
The Poet’s Crossroads
A pit ahead. To left—chains rattle.
To right—mad whispers call your name.
Behind—a path of grief and battle.
But Mandelstam first walked this flame.
--- Total 15 poems. ---
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