A roads leading to nowhere Дороги, ведущие в никуд

You will contemplate this picture of the world
until the end of your days, humbly or boldly
You will lose a lot, but you'll find even more.
and the strength that is in your shoulders is needed to open locked doors.

Someone goes with the flow
Someone goes against
one creates in spite of everything, the other gives up, letting go of his hands
happiness and luck, old dreams and hopes,
someone's broken destinies
at once abandoned roads

one will pass by, the second will turn back,
the third will go straight ahead to there
if the next step turns out to be
a road leading to nowhere

So many talkers, so little knowledge of the essence, most actions are far from the palaces of reason.
Some take excessive risks, some are afraid of their own shadow, and everyone feels the shackles of an invisible prison.

Water runs, fire burns, earth and air seem to be friends. A little more and everything will fall apart at the seams.

Аnd only memory can hold, and only eyes can behold.
And only these hands can feel something.
but sometimes it seems that you need exactly nothing.
We are too ambitious when we paint a picture of the world
