5 3 2025 The another injury day


During night more towards morning I called copea
Of trying of investigating my "neighbour" "pentadictator"
Of kicking my door violently

That caused me negative
I was scared and gradually my heart commenced aching

I returned from investigation
After picking little camera from bankpochta
Then came buildinga and sat and doorkickings

I sat en a green box (milk carrier)
And then Kickings and some heck is saying
negative towards my ability of having children that I have children or will have children
I kicked contra
Someone messingup malforming electrichestvo box
I called copea
Evectrichestvo went off
I commenced throwing glass bottles en wall and door
And cursed
I said gomosexist
(are you clean said the "neighbour" morally after returning from heart treatmeant)
two days I was sitting and making hanuka
and then exited
called copea and arrived documented torned wires en the box
and 5/3/2025
Also two copeans arrived
Said box ok
My [] ordered an electrician
It is my neighbour
pentadictator malformed box and also kicked all those times
then the copeans left a little bottle of aqua
en aim of leave "presence" en the building
cuz remembering
I went out of jorneying the sobbЫk
I called my "perdator" Leonid L*Alfawarned*N да
and asked of souing kkplan aron the liar since called dinnerdrinker
and wasn't advised of complaining vz me
was advised of complaining en any case of offence
and then later kkkplan complained and said the dinnerdrinker while not keeping
medical confidentiality said that I am dangerous and have of being medicated
then copeans arrested me
more seriously
L*Alfawarned*N*да said that he won't
I bought vadka
and food salame
and ate and drank beer
than went another spot peed
then another spot
then drank toomuch
and mr M, S->A L M
Again and then 11/4/2022
caused me injury and byforce took ento copea station detention chambre
then broke my hand
then I called the central copea
was released
and my phone was left near the door
I was sure that I lost the key
got ento apartemente
parents arrived
gave sandwitch
My injuury was ordered of causing me tragic scenario
