It is something personal


My hand was broken by copeans
Of being just drinking outside
The day I called copeans during night
(now called and the 100 emergency didn't answer) suspicious
parents came yesterday-today
D->O, K,T->O ER A->K ER*A*N morally nerved my recovered ribbs by also copeans
"that is the attitude I get en Isavel" "escalation" driven by incitement
Of List of people
"thermoyal 2 threathned

(";;;;; ;;;; ;;;; ;;;;;;;;(";;;;;
;;; ;;;;;;; 2

D->O K,T->O ER A->K ER*A*N desires of malforming his cirjury en the hand and 5/3/2025 it sort of happenned
my hand was broken the exact hand
now I am sitting and writing those lines
