
Stay here and keep watch with me
Matthew 26:38

Each day we're up and live our lives
It happens in due slot
Each day we're down and sleep our dreams
It happens in due spot

Hour by hour, day by day
We move from birth to death
Afraid to leave and want to stay
To words, deeds, digits deaf

You want to try live other life?
Just take another slot
And you will see that world is there
And gives you what you want

You were a normal now you're not
You can not use old stuff
But new stuff's here, here at spot
Just take it if you're tough

We start from weak we grow strong
And do it stage by stage
Another slot - another world
The world we need to change

In every hour there's now song
The song for all who hear
Just stay awake don't go to sleep
And words for you'll be clear
