
Wind whispers strange words to my ear
As if I stand in people’s crowd
As if their thoughts I clearly hear
In head as if they speak aloud

Three simple words are more than others
These people do repeat infinite
Love, Faith, Devotion to your mothers
And nothing more, no more, I mean it

I tried to ask them why're they telling
These words to void which sleeps around
But in response is only yelling
And after that – no word, no sound

I tried to search these words in ashes
In human texts, in hell, in heaven
In songs of waves, in stars’ light splashes
For centuries, for years, seconds

With no result I’m back to crowd
They keep repeating – Love, Devotion
And Faith and then again – no sound
No move, no breath and no emotion

Just silence answers their efforts
I won’t forget these words I know
I’m back on track in human desert
And in my ear wind tells – “Go”…
