Èãîðü Âûõîâàíåö, ñòèõè 7201-7300
The Path to a Distant Land
The fascist lie, a shroud so tight,
Keeps minds in chains, obscures the light,
It molds the fools in fearful ranks,
And drives them deep to terror’s banks.
Their hollow cries grow wild, insane,
A twisted choir of grief and pain…
Yet still they march, yet still they kneel—
Blind to the fate they help to seal.
Mammoth gone? No, mammoth stays!
Lies still guide his twisted ways.
Since the rules were first decreed—
Only he may learn and lead.
All alone, he claims the right,
Blind to truth beyond his sight.
Scorns the sense that whispers near,
Yet without it—lost in fear.
Sense is light, but he obeys
Black-and-white, the mind’s decay.
Trapped in logic, cold and grim,
Doom is certain, bound to him.
Falsehood fades, its time is done,
Truth will rise with morning’s sun.
A new world will shape and grow—
Where intuition reigns to know.
Cupid and the Riders of the Apocalypse
Cupid, fool, your aim is wrong—
Love, when all won’t last for long?
Hooves are pounding, cold as stone,
Be their herald—ride, be gone!
Let your wings bring news to those
Pure of heart, still sensing fate.
See and check—the end soon shows.
Curse it loud, but don’t be late!
The Eternal Song of Blatherskite
Suicide’s a wicked sin—
A waste of meat, yet he keeps driving
The herds to slaughter, kith and kin,
For ages—Blatherskite’s surviving.
He shifts his shape, he hides his face,
Yet still his song remains the same.
A traitor dares to shun the race
Of chains, enclosures, death, and shame.
Roulette of Pseudo-Life
Odd and even, even, odd—
Yet this roulette seems so flawed:
Whole numbers spin—oh, can't you see?
I would rather bet on Pi.
Golden ratio haunts my mind,
Not a day it stays behind.
Every thought comes back to Phi,
While the world just sighs: "Oh my!"
Cash and status rule the game—
Roulette’s flaw remains the same.
So I place it all on zero,
Though it shines, it isn’t hero.
"Yes" or "no"—a mere machine,
But the world is in between.
Trust your senses, look around—
See the shades that can't be found...
Twist Them Tight!
"The trouble with the world is that the stupid are cocksure, and the intelligent are full of doubt."
— Bertrand Russell
No doubt! No fear! March on, be bold!
Our leader guides us to pure gold.
And if you’re not with us—beware!
He’ll raise his hand and shout: "Go tear!"
We’ll hunt them down, we’ll break their backs,
We’ll chase them, sniff out all their tracks.
Those clever fools—we’ll make them pay,
They’re spineless worms—so bend, obey!
Twist them tight and don’t delay!
Drag the nearest scum away!
A worthy foe is what we lack—
Once all those thinkers hit the sack,
Once madhouse doors and jails are filled,
We’ll march ahead, we won’t be stilled.
Against outsiders, strike and burn—
Our flag will fly, our ways will turn
Into the norm for mindless sheep
Who trust the lies, obey, don’t weep.
And those who dare to doubt—beware!
The weak in war have no place there.
Glad to serve!
Why observe
All those foolish dreams of mind?
In the FILTH, I'm feeling fine!
Bow and follow, praise the lie,
Evil wears a saintly guise.
Eat, breed, babble—don’t ask why,
Live it up—till no one dies...
Distilling Rot into Rant
The system rots—it’s nothing new,
For centuries, we’ve watched it stew.
But now the rot itself has fled,
All that remains is stench and RANT.
Beyond this RANT, so few survive,
Once more, we’ll build—bring back to life
A world that’s torn, consumed by blight,
Worn-out, exhausted, drained of light.
Humans and Humanoids
Ego will lead you into the void,
A hollow world, so loud, yet empty.
The worthy few stand unalloyed—
But who is real, and who pretends be?
It isn’t hard to tell apart—
Their eyes will shine or stare so lifeless.
Divided deep, in soul and heart,
Though outward marks are blurred and sightless.
That emptiness… it weighs us down,
Without paradox, life’s just fiction.
Darkness will claim its rightful crown—
CowID’s the test: the mice show friction.
Chemtrails Reflect the Sun’s Fierce Rays
They spray the skies with chemtrail streams,
Not at night—so faint, they fade from sight…
By day, a silver veil redeems
The air from sunlight’s burning might.
The raging Sun keeps turning cruel,
Its scorching beams will leave no trace—
It burns the world, no shade, no fuel,
A prelude to the End of Days.
And fools stand blind—they cannot see,
No thought, no reason, none will heed.
The ones who think—not just agree—
Are cast aside by fools and freaks.
For those who know, one path remains:
A Spirit’s Road beyond this lie.
When this zoo burns in crimson flames,
Their souls will flee to worlds on high.
A Touch of "Madness" for True Knowing
The Mine of Death—
A well of lies.
Go test it, lest
You pay the price.
The mind goes blind
In halls of lore—
But cracked, it finds
A sharper core.
Less of "facts"—
More sense, more feel.
All true knowledge
Drips, not spills.
Yet intuition, strong and wise,
May turn the trickle to a tide.
Marine and "Nerd"
They win.
The troops—
All in.
The "nerd"—a joke,
A pawn, a clown.
The bureaucrat—
He wears the crown.
A traitor’s praised,
A king of lies.
— Who needs the Lyre?
— It slowly dies...
The scholar, the crook,
The jester in power—
They poison the souls,
Make masses cower.
Deception reigns,
Truth is denied.
Who needs the Lyre?
Their life’s designed—
From bistro to the latrine aligned...
"School"—So They Say
Memory overload’s the key—
To rot the school intentionally.
A fool’s no fluke, but just the rule,
As nonsense turns the mind to gruel.
And all the manners, all the grace—
Just tricks to keep deep thoughts erased.
Rejecting Evil
We resist—yet we obey,
Bound by fear, we walk astray.
Then we stumble all our lives,
Turning all the world to dust.
Evil’s vast, corrupts the soul,
To reject it makes us whole.
Dare to stand, refuse to bend—
Cast the Darkness to its end.
To wake from coma—
Means to rise,
Leave the familiar
World behind.
Step toward Spirit—
Life is there.
Sense it, feel it—
Poets dare.
Push perception
To the brink.
Hard at first?
Just act—don’t think.
Mind surrenders,
Turns to steel.
Not by learning,
But to feel.
Answers come
Through keen insight,
Crushing nonsense
With its light.
Rant is coma—
Time to wake!
World’s a tumor—
Bend, you break.
The Upside-Down Mountain
The pit grows deeper—digging down,
Still chasing bedrock, far below.
It’s damp and dark, no light, no ground,
Yet miners toil—their task is so.
The money flows? Then dig with pride!
They’ll carve a hole both vast and grand.
And books will tell the kids in time:
"That mountain once stood tall and planned."
A new pit comes, and youth will learn
To dig once more, to carve the past.
And doubts will fade, as echoes turn:
"Those men were heroes to the last!"
A squirrel runs—round and round.
They shout: "You’re free to choose!"
Yet in her mind, so tightly bound,
Lies nothing but obtuse.
Pick a bar—you get to choose
Which one will keep you spinning.
Trapped in lies, they chase the ruse,
Convinced that they are winning.
Young ones learn to jump and race,
Never pause, just keep on striving.
No one dares to say: this "choice"
Is nothing but conniving.
Sheep’s Strong Bonds
The ram obeys—his shepherd near,
No fear of staff, no horn to chide.
So too with men—through faith or fear,
They're bound by God and laws as guide.
To the Artist
Forget the crowd, the board, their praise—
It's better to write and let it stay.
No need to bend, no need to stray—
Eternal works may find their way.
For watching the masses, fearing their call,
Where slaves are many—free minds are few,
Will turn the artist, the writer, them all,
To traitors lost—their talent through.
Entertaining Chemistry, or "Nature’s Crown"
This chemistry is quite the art—
Not for school, but for the feast.
They twist our minds, they tear apart,
And turn the crowd into a beast.
The dumbing down that schools begin,
The rotten media refine.
Forget your will, give up, give in—
Your mind is nearly out of time.
For reason fades where fools are vast,
And idiots now set the tone.
Free thought? Too rare—it couldn’t last.
And fascist claws keep growing strong.
The future? None. A twisted tale
That nears its grim and final part.
We’re not the same, we’re bound to fail—
The crown will rot, then fall apart.
Amidst the Filth...
The heroes took another way
And lived a little more than most.
Now only scum and rot remain—
Dark years ahead, a heavy cost.
The CowID, the war, the stage is set,
The filth expands, the chains grow tight.
With bravery gone, the Spirit spent,
There's no one left to stand and fight.
The Dead, or The World Unmasked
No disguise—just "FAS!"—the call,
And fools rush in without a doubt.
Fascism suits us, after all—
The dead now freely walk about.
The living lost, the dead run wide—
No thrill or feast can break the spell.
And in their joy, they pimp their ride—
For walking corpses, all is well.
Every little pipette dreams of becoming a big enema
Each little pipette
Dreams big, no regret—
To grow and expand,
A syringe in demand.
A mold is the aim—
Perfection in frame.
A fool longs to feed,
To breed and succeed,
Yet all that he leaves—
A burden of grief.
A fool's iron mold
Chains minds young and old.
This pattern, once drawn,
Becomes almost law.
In general, none...
Well, we don’t question—silent, believing,
Swallowing nonsense, blindly receiving.
Falsehoods are growing, thriving with time,
Lost in delusion—we march in line.
Muzzled like dogs, despised in submission,
CowID has sealed our weak disposition.
Worse days will follow—snakes see it clear:
We are just nothing—empty and mere...
Ideologies of Evil
Submission to the “sacred vision,”
When lies run wild since early days,
Makes nonsense seem a pure decision—
A “truth” adorned in brighter shades.
Most obey—the few unshaken
Stand like rocks against the tide.
All “ideas” serve the makers
Of the chains that trap the mind.
Truth is scarce—it’s crushed and broken,
Hunted down through endless time.
Slaves, deceived, remain unspoken,
Drowned beneath their own decline.
If so, then freedom’s path is waiting,
Reason shines, its course is plain—
Simple, if the mind’s creating,
Not enslaved by forged constraints.
In memory of Imre Lakatos
"All theories are not only equally unfounded, but equally improbable."
Imre Lakatos.
Falsifications flood the pages—
Disproved when core beliefs collapse.
Yet falsehood thrives through all the ages
When evil guides the science maps.
A “belt” of buffers wraps each theory,
Where counterproofs are trapped in vain.
Truth’s voice grows weak, obscure, and weary,
As chaos sweeps the facts away.
And soon, what once was held as learning
Becomes a wreck—its core undone.
The “scholar,” foolish and unearning,
Stands cast aside, his work long gone.
He turns mere water into wages,
But feeds himself, not humankind.
For “science” serves the gold it praises—
Not truth, not reason, nor the mind.
Yet life’s true base is Spirit, guiding—
Where absent, science turns to lies.
The tainted lead, in darkness hiding,
And serve the fiend they idolize.
The thin thread of the inalienable right to Freedom
Through the ages, thin but steady,
Runs resistance to the dark.
Rotten hands would tear it, ready
To erase its final mark.
Slaves obey—so weak, compliant,
Now the thread is nearly gone.
Change accelerates—the tyrant
Sees the time to crush is on.
Darkness grows, no shame restraining,
Brazen, ruthless in its drive.
Still, the Right to Freedom, flaming,
Flickers on—it stays alive.
Though corruption swarms and heightens,
Though the world is filled with swine,
Truth, though battered, never silences—
It survives beyond decline.
When Collapse brings retribution,
This decay will find its end.
Slaves will never be the future,
Life will rise and start again.
Yet for now, deceived and hollow,
Herds are led into the knife,
While the liars preach, and swallow
All that’s left of truth and life.
Born into slavery
Born into chains, yet unaware,
A slave won’t see the bonds he bears.
If all before him knew despair,
Why question what the master dares?
Their children serve the tyrants blindly—
They call it "love for native land."
And traitors walk revered, held highly,
While fools and madness take command.
When lies rule minds for generations,
Then rot selects the ones who lead.
Decay ensures degeneration—
Entropy’s judgment is decreed.
Dare to question, trust your reason,
Seek the truth within, not lies.
Only then can darkness weaken,
Only then can hope arise.
But fear is useless—doom is fated
For those who bow and call it fate.
Yet mothers still repeat, elated:
"Just do your homework—graduate..."
The Essential Question
Can awakening still happen?
If for few—then all is lost.
In a world of hollow patterns,
Truth is rare… The chains still cross.
Is a slave doomed by his station?
Can these bonds be torn apart?
Nothing else deserves fixation—
Fear and shame lead to the dark.
Our Service Helps THEM Well, Yet Hard...
Serve! Obey! Bow down—keep kneeling!
Serve the BEASTS with zeal and grace.
Lie and grovel—earn your dealings,
Gold and honors in their place.
Yet the fool who drowns in faking,
Lost in filth, betrays his soul.
Blindly crawling, never waking,
Dies a coward—dark and cold.
A Hatch Appeared—Don’t Be Confused, It’s Just a Ruse
Astronauts soaring—
"The Moon, they're exploring!"
Much like the drunks
Who find hatches alluring.
Fear of Heights:
Dive into the swamp of "ease"—
Roots and stumps await your knees.
The Question
The stubborn beetle, worming through,
Or a throng of servants, weak and few—
The Earth’s own punishment, a blight,
Worse than the merciless pests' bite?
Serving the SPAWN in the Haze
Down the rabbit hole you slide,
Dig through layers, lies unfold.
Stuck in childhood’s frozen tide...
Serving Haze—aren’t you too old?
You can’t tell the reason—true,
But you’ll see just who needs you...
Flight... WITHIN
Skies are clear—no demon,
Lies and madness gone.
Break through any beacon,
Fearless, moving on.
Once their grasp is broken,
Shadows lose their hold.
Weightless, like a token,
Upward you unfold.
Up—WITHIN: your mind
Dare to cleanse and free.
Only those who find
Truth know ecstasy.
The Evolution of a Turtle
Like a bird, the turtle dreams,
Soaring high—but in its mind.
Yet it walks where darkness teems,
Through the dust, so lost, so blind.
Free-winged birds don’t understand
Why it crawls in filth below.
To the Sky, so pure, so grand,
Evil’s mud is foul and low.
Shed your shell—no wings appear,
Yet the sky will call you still.
Seek it, rise, or drown down here,
Trapped in filth against your will.
The best ones fall. The twisted thrive,
Or rotting madmen breed alive.
This world's a pit—no will, no way,
Just darkness dragging all astray.
The Spawn’s Design
Twist all life into disgrace,
Leave no room for truth to be.
Fighting Darkness face to face—
That alone sets spirits free.
Spawn build prisons, walls grow tall,
Trapping worlds in endless night.
Yet they never build at all—
Slaves obey and rot inside.
Adam’s First Wife
Lilith won’t sleep—
She lurks so deep.
She haunts your dreams—
Beware her schemes.
Once stupid wife,
Then lost to strife.
The Devil’s claim—
Oh, what a shame!
A myth, yet strong,
A plague, a wrong.
Drive them away—
No time to stay!
The Light’s inside—
Let it be guide.
No tales, no lies—
The Night soon dies.
The master of lies, so bold, so sly—
"Our father above"? No, Satan's the guy.
The end of deceit? Just rot and decay,
We've hit rock bottom—no other way.
Fake wars, fake plagues, the world’s been sold,
Its worth? A penny, cheap and cold.
Yet fools still kneel, still take the blame,
Still wear their chains and feel no shame.
So here’s the game—the beast still reigns,
And dimwits bow to wear his chains.
No turning back, the board is set...
One last move—check and mate.
Lie Plus Stupidity Equals DECAY
Lie plus folly—spread it wide,
Preach deception, dumb them faster!
Empty faces, vacant-eyed,
Rotten fools serve their disaster.
Centuries of downward flow,
Idiocy mass-produced,
Mindless herds still sink below,
Kept in chains by lies, seduced.
Everywhere they fight for thought,
Dullness wins, the mind corrodes.
Needles call—come take your shot,
Diving deeper down the road.
This is peak—or rather, pit,
Rotting through without delay.
Just one step, and that is it—
Purge the filth, erase decay...
A web of lies, a ruling scheme,
It speaks of "joy" in hollow memes.
Yet wasted years will make it clear—
The Spawn has goals you’d learn to fear.
But flames will rise—no place to hide,
This Rotting World will burn at last.
No comfort, peace, nor quiet ride—
Salvation stands beyond the past.
Corruption dragged all souls below,
Yet one true path remains to tread:
Reclaim your strength, let Spirit grow,
Or stop decay among the dead.
Since your childhood, fear's been taught,
Death itself keeps you enslaved.
That’s the System’s core—you're caught,
Trapped in horror, bred and paved.
Lies renew in twisted fashion,
Tricks and traps are laid with skill.
Stay confused—forget your passion,
Drown in madness, lose your will.
Truth alone won’t make you brave,
Just aware—but that’s a start.
Courage is the fight you crave,
Tearing all these lies apart.
At Full Speed...
A machine of sweat and grinding,
A diseased and toxic sphere,
Where the blind and mute are writhing,
Only bastards rule in here.
Not real lords—just slaves in hiding,
Licking boots to keep their place.
Hellish cogs—no guiding, no deciding,
Fools serve blindly in disgrace.
Like mere cattle, men are kneeling,
Hoping "lords" will bring them light,
While the dream of change is fleeting,
Crushed beneath the wheels of might.
Few escape—their ranks diminish,
Fewer left to stand and fight,
As new waves of fools replenish,
Breeding madness day and night.
Freaks, dimwits, psychotic wreckage—
Forms of ruin, doomed and vexed.
Not for long, though—crash and wreckage,
Armageddon’s racing next.
Hear and Believe...
Hear it—trust it. Blind devotion.
Thinking hurts—so why insist?
Open doors without a notion
For the brazen egotist.
He will set the facts in order,
Twist the truth to fit his line.
And if scholars serve as warders,
Fools will bow—“They must be right!”
Like a gambler, slyly dealing,
He reshapes what once was real.
Dark magician, false revealing,
Masters lies with polished skill.
Screens will show the grand illusion,
Staged to dazzle, stir, ignite,
Hiding hell in bright profusion,
Flags ablaze in crimson light.
Crowds of puppets, dumb and fervent,
March to battle or to toil.
Empty labor, pointless purpose—
But as long as there's some spoil,
Idiots will lap the poison,
Sing their hymns and stand in line.
Thought is dead—once minds are frozen,
Rulers strengthen by design.
Slave Mentality
Judge no evil, just forgive it,
Call your shackles "life" instead.
Teach your children how to live it—
Turn their souls to slime and dread.
Centuries of tyrant ruling,
Rot and filth—no shame to see.
Blind submission, crude and drooling,
That’s a slave’s philosophy.
Sacred laws will ban derision,
Preach submission, hush the doubt.
Judas reigns—it’s called “decision,”
“Fate” is how they spell it out.
“God’s own slave”... but scriptures reek of
Satan’s mark in every thread.
That is why, with fascists’ bleak love,
Priests stand smiling, cloaked in red.
Man’s no more than Hell’s dumb minion,
Servant to the cloven beast.
Heaven’s gate—no grand dominion,
Just a test of pain increased.
Against Nature...
But nature’s laws are strong and ruthless,
No “human rules” can stand their test.
Yet mankind fights—a war so fruitless,
And soon the flames will do the rest.
The sun burns hotter, magma rumbles,
Cracks are spreading through the crust.
But “kings” still hide in dreams that crumble,
Hoping holes will shield their dust.
They’ve built their burrows deep and sprawling,
Whole cities lurk beneath the land.
But conscience lost to greed enthralling
Won’t grant them safety as they planned.
No vault will save them—no exemption,
For all will face the final call.
And nature’s wrath grants no redemption—
You cannot turn the world to thrall.
The Price of Truth
The price of truth is steep and grim—
Your very life’s the cost to pay.
As children, blinded, we grow dim,
Trapped in the slime of foul decay.
It wraps us tight—no space to run,
And home’s no haven from the lies.
The world, in sum, is mad, undone—
A madhouse ruled by wicked ties.
Yet if you stand, refuse to kneel,
And guard the truth with all you’ve got,
You’ll find its presence, strong and real—
An oasis in a wasteland hot.
An oasis—meaning starved and weak,
Alone, yet pushing through the strain.
While scorching winds from all sides shriek—
The stench of lies, corrupt and plain.
Slime and storm—this verse may weave
In metaphors both sharp and wild.
But should you fall, submit, and leave,
The truth will call another child.
Tolerance—just blind endurance
Of the twisted and obscene.
Lies and greed kill all assurance—
Fighting FILTH is hard, unseen.
Law’s true goal? No—DECOMPOSING
All the weak who dare comply.
Serving Satan, fate imposing—
Fools won’t get the reason why...
Never hope for due salvation,
Never call yourself so pure.
Through your toil and dedication,
Seek the Light—stay strong, endure.
Let your voice, though small and fleeting,
Stir the madness, shake the norm,
Bringing glimpses, briefly meeting
Those in need before the storm.
Pain is plenty. Yet when finding
Even cracks where light breaks through,
You’ll respond with understanding
To this world—its faith untrue.
The Wit and the Herd
Shouting truth? To sheep? To fools?
Sheep exist for shearers' tools.
Pigs are caged by stable rules.
All is lost—don’t cry, stay cool.
Few escape the devil’s net—
That’s his game, a winning bet.
Words won’t wake the mindless set,
Clever wit won’t save them yet...
Cry or not, the blade won’t wait—
Execution comes on cue.
This "world order" feeds the fate
Of the minds that twist askew.
For the sane, it spells demise—
CowID showed that, clear as day.
Lucifer just laughs at lies,
While Pure Shame lurks in the fray.
Eternal Pioneers
Lords and sirs and… dark illusions
Rule the world—what wicked fate!
"Pioneers" embrace delusions,
Worship all that breeds the Hate.
Pioneers of Consume
All foundations? We will burn them,
Toss them out without regret!
Faster gadgets—we must earn them,
Drive the world to grave, and yet…
Short-lived pleasures, all-consuming—
Bow and feast, obey the trend!
Lies and filth run life’s programming:
Honest? Then you’ll break, my friend.
Think you're smart? Then you’ll be sinking,
Dragged down deep—no way to climb.
Brains can’t beat the rot we're drinking,
Drowning bright minds in the grime.
Stench? It’s global, we don’t mind it,
Cycles turn, the wheel’s in flow.
Swirling filth? Just sit behind it…
Popcorn’s ready—time for show!
A Prison Without People
This world’s a joke,
Its mind is broken.
The frauds wear cloaks,
The herd stays spoken.
A prison stands,
Yet holds no nations.
The blind obey—
No revelation.
The lies run high,
Beyond all measure.
Just laugh or cry—
There’s no rock bottom.
But why, you ask?
The end is nearing.
Plague into flame!—
No more false meanings.
Rule of Darkness
— I just want some dinner.
— Eat your GMO.
— Hear a voice of wisdom?
— Scroll through filth below.
— Choose a real leader?
— Look, the Sewer waits,
Craving for the moment
To decide your fate.
"New" deceitful programs,
Drenched in ancient lies.
Darkness owns the servants,
Bound by blackmail ties.
Choice? There’s none—just cursing
All this filth and rot.
Darkness reigns—immersing
All in its own clot…
Slave Morality
Slaves accept their morals,
Forced on them with ease.
Lies became the chorus,
Preached to keep the peace.
Harder to defend them—
Reason still remains,
Fading, but its embers
Fight against the chains.
Darkness spreads through nations,
Fascist rule ascends.
Madness—pure damnation,
Satan’s hand extends.
What this "virtue" harbors
Filth has made quite clear:
Humankind has fallen—
Shame is all that’s near.
Cracked Wide Open
Shell so thick and hollow,
Made of pure deceit.
What's inside? Just sorrow,
Fear, and false conceit.
Cramped and dim the space is
Underneath the shell.
Fear has left its traces,
Carved a narrow cell.
Now the cracks are showing—
NONSENSE floods your mind.
Like a sponge, absorbing
Rot of the worst kind.
Rot of fascist madness
Spreads across the lands.
Hear them knocking—ruthless,
Iron in their hands.
By the TV
In the ceiling—hatch ajar,
Peeks a tanker, cold and grim...
Just like that, the TV's char
Spews delusions, loud and slim.
Rose-Colored Glasses Won’t Clear the Smoke
We wear our glasses, sit, and chill—
All feels just fine. Yet here’s the hitch:
Thick, biting smoke creeps in to kill...
But under fascism—we stay speech-less.
The Living Word
The sacred Word once shone so bright,
But now it's lost in bleak decay.
All that remains—cold chains of night,
No path is left to flee the gray.
All in Vain
Your efforts turn to ashes,
Your dreams just fade like mist.
The world is sick with madness,
And you—crushed in its fist.
Petty Souls
Deception, fear, and hollow minds,
Small people rule the stage.
Toxic books will keep you blind,
A log that blocks your gaze.
The Severity of Style
This harsh is justified
By CowID and wars obscene.
But those who cherish softer lies
Are closer to the deep.
The world derails, a hopeless land,
No saving light ahead.
Through sharp and scrutinizing glance,
It’s drowned in rabid dread.
CowID, the war—again, the same,
Yet I don’t care to stop.
Where once were thoughts—a hollow frame,
Now rots a festering slop.
A Tale vs. This Hollow World
Old fairy tales held wiser themes—
Today's "princesses" chase their schemes.
Greedy, vain—no grace in sight,
While "princes" lack both wit and might.
And Ivan the Fool? He sold his soul,
Left with nothing—lost control.
Only the Leshy still remains,
Now a poet, dull and drained.
The Tale Is Gone
The prologue’s done, the tale erased,
Forgotten, left to rust.
Now lies are served in every place—
The storyteller’s dust.
The End of Days in a World of Lies
The beasts will bring the liars low,
Thus History will end the show.
But Doom itself will lead the way—
Our "holy father" of today.
The few who still deserve the light
Will cross beyond, escape the blight.
While soulless husks, just shells of men,
Will rot in hellish filth again.
Îòêðûâàþùàÿñÿ äâåðü Àäà, èëè Ïîâÿçàòü âñåõ ðàáîâ "ãðåõîì"
"Íåò ÷åëîâåêà ïðàâåäíîãî íà çåìëå, êîòîðûé äåëàë áû äîáðî è íå ãðåøèë áû".
Âåòõèé Çàâåò.
"Eñëè ãîâîðèì, ÷òî íå èìååì ãðåõà, - îáìàíûâàåì ñàìèõ ñåáÿ, è èñòèíû íåò â íàñ".
Íîâûé Çàâåò.
Âñåõ äåðüìîì "ãðåõà" ìû ìàæåì,
È íå î÷åíü âçðîñëûõ äàæå,
×òîá ñìèðåííû è ãëóïû
Áûëè ×óøè Çëà ðàáû.
×òîá îíè â ôàøèñòñêîì ñòðîå
Äóìàëè, ÷òî ñ÷àñòüå ñòðîÿò
Çäåñü, çà òî íà "íåáåñàõ"
Ïðèëàñêàåò èõ àëëàõ.
Ñïëîøü Îñêàëû Ëþöèôåðà —
Ëæåíàóêà, òàêæå âåðà.
Ïðîïàãàíäà äîâåðøàåò
Îãëóïëåíüå, è ëàæàåò
Ðàá áåçóìíûé ïîñòîÿííî
 ýòîì ìèðå î÷åíü ñòðàííîì.
Ìèð íàçâàòü Ïðåääâåðüåì Àäà
Ìîæíî — ïðîèçâîäÿò ãàäîâ.
Íà÷èíàþò ñ "âîñïèòàíüÿ",
À ïîòîì "îáðàçîâàíüå"
Ðàçìèíàåò ìàòåðüÿë
Äëÿ Âíóøåíèé. Òû ïðîïàë,
Åñëè âåðèøü, ïîääà¸øüñÿ
Çëà óëîâêàì — íå î÷í¸øüñÿ,
Åñëè òî÷êó íåâîçâðàòà
Ïåðåéä¸øü — Ãðàíèöó Ãàäà.
Ãàä "ãðåõè" âîñïðèíèìàåò
Êàê óêîðû, ïðîäîëæàÿ
Ãíóòñÿ ïåðåä Çëîì âñ¸ íèæå —
Àä ñòàíîâèòñÿ âñ¸ áëèæå.
Äâåðü îòêðîåòñÿ, è ñêîðî, —
Íå ñïàñòèñü òîãäà ïî íîðàì.
Àäà êðîëè÷üÿ íîðà
Ãëóáîêà — òóäà ïîðà...
The Gate to Hell Opens Wide, or Binding All Slaves with "Sin"
"There is no righteous man on earth who does good and never sins."
— The Old Testament.
"If we say we have no sin, we deceive ourselves, and the truth is not in us."
— The New Testament.
We paint them all with "sin" and grime,
Even those of younger time,
So the fools, enslaved by lies,
Stay obedient, stay blind.
Marching in a fascist order,
Thinking they will build their fortune,
For the price of pain and loss —
They’ll be petted up by "Gods."
Grins of Lucifer shine brightly —
Fake beliefs and science fight thee.
Propaganda seals the lie,
Dumbs them down—no "how" or "why."
Madmen, lost, submit and falter
In this world, so strange, so altered.
Shall we call it Hell’s Front Door?
Since it breeds the fiends of war.
First they break you, call it training,
Then "education" starts the chaining.
Minds are kneaded, shaped, then bound —
Once you’re caught, you won’t be found.
If you trust and let them fool you,
If you yield—there’s no renewal.
Cross the point of no return,
And the Beast will watch you burn.
Sin, to fiends, feels like a warning,
Yet they bow to Hell each morning,
Bending lower, more and more —
Till the flames are at their door.
Soon that gate will gape and swallow,
No escape—no hole to burrow.
Hell’s deep rabbit hole awaits,
And you’re walking through its gates…
The Plumbing of Unconscious Minds
Will a plunger clear the brain,
Wash the clogs of thought away?
Fools won’t budge with truth so biting—
Lost for good if not igniting…
Perverted School
Not a teacher—just a grinder,
Molds your mind and strains it tighter.
Breed of beasts will make you kneel—
Only fools obey and yield.
Mindless petting—that’s the lesson,
If you cast out thought’s possession.
“Knowledge” piles in rotten stacks,
Crushing sense—just empty tracks.
Fear and Delusion
Storefronts, cages, screens that glisten,
Endless scrolling, vacant vision.
Aging doll, your mind’s enslaved,
Trapped in fear and thoughts depraved.
Starting fresh? Too late, it’s fleeting—
World will burn, its end is nearing.
Honor’s lost, the mind is weak,
Crushed and shriveled, frail and bleak.
Truth Grows on the Soil of Delusion
"I would never die for my beliefs, because I might be wrong."
— Bertrand Russell
To die for lies—how blind, how vain!
Just feeding madness, fanning flames,
While pompous frauds, with hollow claims,
Still twist the world to fit their games.
A swarm of sellouts rules the stage,
Their rotten guilds of bought-out scholars.
How low they’ve sunk! How fierce their rage!
Truth drowned beneath their tainted dollars.
Yet through delusions runs the Search,
Each step—a bridge to something newer.
The stubborn seeker dares to lurch
Through falsehood’s fog toward glimpses truer.
And in their hands, worn raw by lies,
Truth’s grains, like dust, may briefly glisten,
Till bastard hands, with cunning guise,
Recast them—warped—so none will listen.
Press through their noise, through filth and fraud,
Ignore their words, their gilded prisons.
Move toward the Light—heed not the fog,
Or drown within their dark derisions.
Your inner sense will show the way,
While logic guides—its hand unshaken.
So fear and madness fade away
In seas where many minds have broken.
Nonsense Is Useful, Gibberish Is Light
Nonsense shines, a guiding ray,
For the mind that's gone astray.
Sickly thoughts, a fearful haze,
Trapped in madness, lost in maze.
Stacks of “knowledge”—all in vain,
Drowned in lies that still remain.
Just be “useful,” serve the crowd—
Drop your science, bow and cow!
Pure Sport
Push and strain with all your might,
Still, you’ll place a hundredth tight.
Gold’s no prize for sweat and grit—
Money shapes the game’s deceit.
Honor, conscience—cast away,
Chasing records, blind obey.
Every cheat is quick and bold—
Sick of faces smug with gold…
Chimeras Unchained
Delusions run wild,
The mind’s torn apart.
March on, young defilers—
Bring doom from the start!
Seek Knowledge Boldly, Fiercely, True
Seek knowledge boldly, all your days,
Let nothing turn you from its ways.
For nonsense here is freely spread—
And drives the blind toward the edge.
"The Perfect Life"
A tiny, cozy little nest,
Where all feels safe, where all seems best.
Drifting deep in sweet repose,
Forgetting all—how life just flows.
That’s the dream the herd protects,
Feeding Evil’s grand success.
Casting Conscience far aside,
Where it rots and breaks their lives.
Till the end, the fate is grim—
Shameless ones consumed by sin.
Subspecies of Man
Could a sleeping god be hiding
In a world of fools? Not quite.
There are types of men abiding—
Most are nothing, void of light.
Slaves and madness wouldn't fester
If the masses held a spark.
Tyrants wouldn’t rule and pester—
They would vanish in the dark.
Yet the kind who feel and reason—
Just a fading, dying breed.
And this truth is not a vision—
CowID made it plain to read.
In orderly rows...
"First God created idiots, that was for practice. Then He created schools."
— Mark Twain
He first made fools—just for training,
Then schools—so He took a short rest.
But fools, never doubting nor waning,
Set out on their ignorant quest.
They rushed, never waiting for sages,
Whom God had yet to prepare.
Lost wandering through foolish mazes?
Well, you chose your fate—so beware...
The Net of Nothingness
Emotions burn, and thoughts decay—
A bleak, relentless tide is turning.
The wretched dream of wealth each day,
While life itself is blind and burning.
Dark horns are rising everywhere—
They drive the world into perdition.
Now evil sheds its thin veneer,
And soon mankind will face submission.
But Satan’s rule will not remain—
It falls, and with it, blind oppression.
A fool, baptized in fascist bane,
Will share its fate without confession.
Yet Higher Forces stand above—
They’ll cleanse the world, erase corruption.
The twisted minds that cheered on war
Shall fuel the fire of destruction.
And what of those who kept their soul?
The truth will soon dispel the lie.
How long till judgment takes its toll?
The years are numbered—time runs dry...
The End of a Dream
Time is tightening like a noose—
No escape, no turning back.
New-wave hounds are on the loose,
Spreading fascism in their track.
March to camps that span the earth,
Or face your fate with honor bright.
Fools embrace their chains from birth—
Only flames can end the blight.
Sunlight rises, burning higher,
Brighter, fiercer every day.
Yet the world’s grown none the wiser—
Only fire burns decay!
CowID and wars have made it clear—
The world’s consumed by mindless haze.
Mankind has sunk beneath the sheer
Abyss of fascist, darkened days.
Since ancient times, they’ve known but chains,
Yet masked their madness with disguise.
There once was Light—but now remains
Just fear and Mirage in their eyes.
The End
The hounds of tyranny repeat
Their lies to fools, their chorus loud.
They claim the law still holds its seat,
Yet crack their whips to break the crowd.
They strike down all who dare resist—
So trust them not, stand up, defy!
And if your life hangs off the abyss,
Then hold your ground—don’t fear to die.
New ways to fight—that is the key,
But people rot in fear, alone.
They hide in holes, refuse to see,
Too weak to claim what once was known.
So hope is scarce, the odds are grim,
And fate now whispers in the dark:
The End has come—stand tall, not dim,
And meet it with unyielding spark.
Sheep and Crows – A Half-Fable
By the gate they stand in flocks—
Not the people, just the sheep.
Crows above them spread their talks,
Spinning lies both old and cheap.
With each tale the fools delight,
Dreaming of some "brighter" fate.
Idiots, so lost in night,
Gladly walk on through the gate.
But that gate leads to the pen—
Slaughter waits, the shears are near.
Crows keep croaking lies again,
Drowning out the cries of fear.
Half-Measures, Hollow Thought
Half a mind and half a stand,
Yet claim you're wise, brave, just, and grand.
But strip away the vain disguise—
A wretched fraud is what you hide.
Almost for Car Lovers...
Hit the gas instead of braking
If you seek to reach the goal.
Through a world of war and faking,
Grasp at least a piece of soul.
Catastrophe is fast approaching—
There's no time for empty tales.
All this wicked world’s encroaching,
Yet pure souls will ride the gales.
For the bright, this is salvation—
So press on and chase the fight!
Know you’re on the right foundation
When resistance grows with might.
Youth Is Filled with Nonsense
Youth is stuffed with hollow lies,
Leave them all behind!
Only instinct, trained and wise,
Helps to clear the mind.
Fail, and all that useless weight
Drags you down for good.
Truth demands you separate
Falsehood from what’s true.
Seek the answers on your own,
Let no herd decide.
What the masses claim as known
Is but noise and pride.
Youth is filled with nonsense—why?
Memory’s a cage.
When it overflows with lies,
Reason dies of age.
Thrillers and action-packed stories,
Movies with bang, boom, and blast,
Spread like a plague in their glory,
Dulling our minds far too fast.
Game shows and soap operas, endless,
Swallow us into their net.
Where there should be tigers—defenseless,
Lies just a docile herd yet.
Lofty ambitions—
Like tales of magicians—
Seem out of your sight?
But if you keep striving,
Keep pushing and driving,
You'll climb to the height!
If not—no denying,
You'll end up just sighing.
The Journey Begins
Strive for greatness, keep on going,
Even if your strength is small.
Step by step, the path keeps growing,
Till you can’t recall the fall.
Skill will rise, and strength will follow,
Mind will clear from all decay.
Start from filth, though dark and hollow—
Only will can light the way.
Like a race that lasts for ages,
Masters rise through years of trial.
No set rules, no measured stages—
Hear what Nature speaks in style.
Light of Nature shapes your being,
While the world is lost in shame.
This is not a race, nor fleeting,
But your soul's eternal flame.
The children march in line,
With Z-marks on their backs.
The tyrants call it fine,
Deceit fuels their attacks.
And when they come of age,
The butcher sends them in.
Their parents feel no rage—
Rashism dwells within.
A marching chant from days of old,
In schools—Marxist-Lenin lore.
Shaped to fit a thoughtless mold,
Is it communism or war?
The Fall
The fall goes on—yet they proclaim
It’s “progress” in disguise.
Decay is spreading, lies inflame,
Deception weights our eyes.
The mind is now a rare elite,
And honor? Lost, long gone.
“Just live for joy” is the deceit
Of souls forever numb.
The fools have reached a massive scale,
Too vast to turn the tide.
No hope remains—their twisted trail
Lets evil march with pride.
And so, enraged, the Earth resists,
Rejecting all this scum.
The burning sun now sears the twists
Of darkness overcome.
Disaster looms, it won’t be long—
The final years unwind.
We’ve reached the bottom, proved them wrong…
Now comes The End Of Time.
We all built a grand utopia!
Yet got a useless pile...
Stop bowing to ideologia—
A mouse gave birth to a mile!
Police States
They glorify the men in blue,
So unchecked power seems all right—
Your "rights" erased without a clue,
While "freedom" vanishes from sight.
Through endless films, they sell the lie—
A game where justice plays its part.
They flood our minds with empty cries,
So truth dissolves in filth and art.
This global scheme distorts the past,
Yet pushed too far, the tale unfolds:
Their “noble cop” is just a farce,
A clueless pawn the system molds.
Greed and folly—what a fashion,
All foundations left to die.
Yet they pose with “mind” and passion—
Masked-up donkeys strutting by...
Subspecies of Man
Could a sleeping god be hidden
Among fools? That can’t be so…
Man is split in kinds, yet most
Are but nothing, mere shadow.
Tyranny could never flourish
If the Light still had a say.
Were the masses not so hollow,
Chains would crumble in a day.
Few stay honest, few stay caring—
They’re a dying, fading kind.
And this truth, though bleak, unsparing,
CowID made it clear to find.
"Òðóñîñòü îòíèìàåò ðàçóì".
Ôðèäðèõ Ýíãåëüñ.
Çäåñü êðóãîì îäíè ñòðàøèëêè —
Àä îáìàíàìè ñèë¸í.
×åðåç ñðîê â ìîçãàõ îïèëêè:
Çëó ïîêîðíûé ìóäîçâîí
Âåðèò, òàêæå ðàä ñòàðàòüñÿ —
Ñòàíåò íîðêà ïîòåïëåé.
Äàëüøå áóäåò ðàçëàãàòüñÿ
Ðàçóì — ìàëî òóò ëþäåé.
Áîëüøèíñòâî — òóïûå ìûøè,
Ñ êàæäûì ãîäîì âñ¸ òóïåé.
Ëîæü è ñòðàõ ïðîåëè "êðûøè",
Âïðî÷åì, â áîëüøèíñòâå ëþäåé.
Ïåðñïåêòèâ â ïîìèíå íåòó —
Âñ¸ óðîäñòâî ëèøü íà ñëîì,
Òàê êàê íåïîäâëàñòíû Áðåäó
Åäèíèöû: ìèð — Äóðäîì.
Äóðíåé äåëàþò ñêîòîì...
Òèïà "âåëè÷èå"
"Âåëè÷èå" "âåëè÷åñòâà"
 Òîòàëüíîé Ëæè êîëè÷åñòâå.
Óáîãèå "íàðîäû" —
Ñðåäü íèõ îäíè óðîäû:
Òàì óìíûõ åäèíèöû —
Êàê Êðàñíîé êíèãè ïòèöû.
 âñ¸ì ìèðå èñ÷åçàþò:
"Âåëè÷åñòâà" ëàæàþò
Ñèëüíåå ñ êàæäûì ãîäîì —
Ãíèëûå ñóìàñáðîäû.
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