
Dmitr Kotin

Remember, being kids we watched them wearing
The plates with colored ribbons on one side?
We could not look away from medals' glaring,
And heard the tinkling, filling us with pride!

Old veterans... All hoary, wise and smoking.
When gathered round the table at V-day,
They had unhurried, weighty, friendly talking,
With vodka and accordion at play.

As years go by - they vanish into ages,
With rows of medals, pinned to coats and hearts.
The time is merciless, it turns the pages -
Old soldiers leave us, each of them departs...

New epochs bring new wars, new arms, new terrors.
When people suffer, Motherland in pain,
Then come her sons - courageous, humble heroes,
To deal with savage fascism in Ukraine...

And once again we hear the medals' tinkling! -
A roll call with the fighters from the past.
Same habits, same kind eyes and playful winking,
Same silver hair, same meaning of "I must".

Same battle wounds they have. They may look worried,
As things they saw - are never to forget.
Young veterans! Some decorated, gloried,
And some just haven't got their medals yet.

Перевод стихотворения "Ветераны"
Автор перевода -
Anna Strasse,

Рим. Марии Циколиной, ТК "Машины рисовашки"
