‘on Tarot Arcana
The beginning (0)
You know, it's sad, the date is not soon
You know, it's empty, again without you
You know before, it would seem, just that tune
I'll sing to myself and see you
I know that fate shouldn't rush normal things
I know that time flows just as it should
And if you one day want to make the something
Need wait things to change just for good
Remember not all done as should
The riddle (1)
Based on the works of C.Castaneda
How long do you have left
Want to know?
Just be careful, it’s not theft
There’s no foe
If you see the figure – You
'll be surprised
I conjure only you
Take it right
You consider all aspects
Of this bid
For to everyone respect
Even kids
If reviewed it – dust it fast
But remember
For to make the myth the real
Need to enter
Need to work all days till end
Work determined
For to make the Death a friend
Friend the permanent
Milk carton (2)
I stare intently into the far
I can't see anything, it's very chilly
I try to picture February, my star
September or November only, really?
It's autumn, right, it’s autumn outside
Although there's a blizzard blowing ascending
But day as melted yellow milk goes out
From milk carton of my best friend
You can't stop running things by will
Can't fix them, can't swap places
Just take another bag of milk
And cover with your sleeves replacement
Events rush one by one into the far
Hello, February – my shining star
Eyes of the night (3)
I know not how I seem to others, but to myself I am but a small child wandering upon the vast shores of knowledge, every now and then finding a small bright pebble to content myself with while the vast ocean of undiscovered truth lay before me.
Isaac Newton
The night has black eyes
They look us right in the soul
Without anger. Simply. Indifferently. Without lies.
And they can tell us everything, even about our goals
I still can't figure it out though…
I wish I knew what I needed to know!
Reflection only (4)
Hello, chosen one of silence
You who create with word, with thought, with gaze
I know you ignore the violence
But still I do have problems nowadays
Please help me with advice at the right time
I ask for your attention, O the brave one
When I encounter the dissonance in rhymes
Between the thought, the act, the deed I’ve done
Why don't you tell me something? I'm here
And I’ve been calling out strongly and since morning
But you are mute and deaf completely to my pleas
And there’s no way for you to me out of this corner
You will not come from mirror leading me to victories
All by myself. Yes, by myself. And only silence in response
Or maybe really there’s no one in mirror? Only memories?
And I’m the one who need to set for me the rightest course?
Challenges of fate (5)
Long passed and cold already
So why I feel myself so sad?
Long gone and for the new I’m ready
And to my heart old path is dead
Like the old scar that's before fight
Sometimes it aches or it hurts
And I’m worried hard tonight
With all my grievances deferred
Stupidity or nostalgia
Or maybe it is just a fuss
And I’m so tired of it? I call ya’
Again to darkness which I trust
For to observe and reassure
With what is gone for a long time
What I've been through, ‘ve been through for sure
To fight again for what is mine
To dispute what has been decided
If you have strength, then go straight
The trumpet’s calling, world’s divided!
I go forward on my fate…
To dispute when it’s not too late
The choice ( 6)
There is a way that appears to be right,
but in the end it leads to death.
Proverbs 14:12
The choice is always cruel
You always lose something
And of the two roads before you
You choose one, you can’t choose nothing
You don't know what's on the other way
You don't know what’s on your own
So why does it matter anyway
To choose the path to go on?
Could it be easier to forget?
Could It be easier to leave
A choice for others, them to regret?
But in the others you do not believe
It's better to see you were mistaken
It's better to find out you were wrong
To try to learn from your mistakes
For to gain experience to go on
The choice is not just black and white
There are no straight roads in the world
Only then you will find out if you were right
When you will have your losses observed
Remember this when choosing, avoid choosing a lot
Craving for the past (7)
Our mistrust of the future makes it hard to give up the past
The "Survivor", Chuck Palahniuk
Open to all winds
Kept from the worries
On the shore of winter
One shaman lives
He tears off a piece of paper
And reflects the vast
Throws a leaf into the fire
To bring back the past
But there are no roads back
Forget the life you were in
To the past there’s no track
You can't get back in
The leaf is scattered with ashes
The sunset burns with fire
The shaman’s coming home after the crush
Thinking of the past with admire
But a new day will come
The shaman will write his verse
About the future to come
And the past will reverse
He knows that not to avoid nowadays
Mental anguish and wounds
If there are no other ways
Go your own way, shaman, go in good mood
Voices (8)
Everything is poison, and nothing is devoid of poison;
a dose only makes the poison invisible
Peace to the living, eternal rest to the dead
The inscription under the coat of arms of Paracelsus on the tombstone
Beyond this world lies world of shadows
Where fears and voices are created
It whispers both in rhymes and prose
Or screams like thief whose days are ended
Don't trust it cause the fight’s unfair
If you get stuck to it, you lose
It'll take you out to nowhere
You won't get back the way you choose
Remember that its words – just words
That voices – echoes of untold
That in the shades there is no God
And jokes are bad in that gray world
Don't do what they advise to you
Advice is poison, take it few
Lullaby (9)
I'm just a passerby in this strange dreaming world
A passerby with glassy eyes
I walk like ghost through ranks of people with no word
My dreams are now just my prize
You're sleeping, sleeping soundly, again
And nothing will disturb prophetic sleep –
A thought, a verse, and even a new dream
Will not touch you, cause sleep is deep
But dawn will come and you’ll wake up at last
To stay awake for long, not now and then
Then you will see that end has passed
And you will say good night again!
Bandit (10)
Murmur. Rattle. Rustle. Knock.
Heart is beating. Dead like rock.
Not to leave. Yes, hard to leave.
I’ll come over. Let me live.
Scream. The chase and then footsteps
Quickly. Quickly. What is next?.
Broke away. Thanks God It's gone
Providence gave me new dawn
Exhale. Breath… And then don't breathe
Ray and blade of knife. Believe!
Knife at throat. Moon and glare.
And the death is in the air.
Not today. Not now, please.
Time to die, to die at ease.
There's a shot behind me. Why?
God’s still with me. I’m alive
Foe’s defeated. Foe is killed.
Who’re you, tell me? ...I’m bandit.
Exam (11)
The moment’s come, eternity looks into soul
You’re like white moth in palm of hand
You will not hide no matter how you roll
For them it’s easy everything to understand
It's your turn now, next test in your life
Spin, dare, show everything you can
But don't you rush, the rush not worth the life
And lots depend on you but not the way you planned
How to live moment will remain in scrolls
And you can't change what happened, can’t rewrite
So pay attention to details because
Details are most important things in fight
Who knows if there’ll be the next invite?
Angel (12)
Like angel wings shirt sleeves
They prophesy eternity by their whiteness
The sky’s no longer blue, I fall asleep
I traded past for carelessness and rightness
I’m bound by the light from head to toe
If only I could see again the skies so blue
I won't be up in sky until new dawn
I know it by heart. I do
How little I can do, a lot was gone
Too much was taken straight away by force
I know I won't run away alone
I'm definitely not up to it right now. Need new course
To live and not to die. This is my plan
I trust, O God, I trust, but I don't know truly
That night will pass and hurricane’ll be down
And I will meet my goals on Earth completely, fully
Oh, I wish I had wings instead of these white sleeves!
And rumors will calm down, I believe.
The end (13)
The end!
The paths are intertwined
Then there is emptiness, my friend
The smile of Eternity to blind
The eyes of Fool
Oblivion’s so cruel
Don't leave without finishing the story
Awakening of nature in its glory
There's only heartbeat in response
Knock, knock
Knock, knock
Who knows…
Suddenly! The flash of light
He's gone I do not know why
Don’t sigh
Flying in dreams and in reality (14)
From troubles, business, hurricanes
From news and from adversities
I'm leaving early in the morning
As plane to haven leaves
Spreading my wings towards the peaks
Through clouds, through the light of dawn
To see the giants without wings
Which people haven't found long
For a brief moment, through the crack
In universe – the sons of Earth
Are seen as white spot on the black
And heart is feeling with the mirth
It’s drop in ocean, minor twist
But fills me fully with a warmth
And in a sweet and blissful mist
From skies go down to the earth...
Where curled up comfortably again
The couch will hold me close and tight
TV keeps babbling calming brains
And only coffee’s on my mind
The mystery (15)
The mystery’s descended on the sublunar world
Leaked secretly to corners not telling any word
From shadows and from creaking and shining of the stars
Woven the stories misty that sunset will restart
They'll worry soul badly, keep worrying until dawn
It’s difficult for people to live till shade is gone
Groans and creaks and screeches will trouble the dark side
Who do not sleep he knows that enemy’s at night
If dawn is far away then, beware of the light
And do not drink the water on the forbidden night
The mystery won’t touch you if dream is clean and bright
If not, then be afraid of the creatures of the night
The morning lights so clearly the hidden darky words
With dew it washed away them and clarified the world
But evil of the mystery is near, never gone
Despite all pain and troubles the black water beckons
Leap of Faith (16)
Emptiness is more than an abyss
Emptiness has no boundaries
Emptiness cannot embrace our conscience
Nor to erase from our faces the blackness
A step forward is equivalent to a flight
Step forward with the closed eyes
Get rid of all worries, hands out to the sides
All prohibitions, everything) "possible", "impossible", “besides”
I am free for a moment or forever
What is our life for us?
Either it runs like a fleeting river
Either it's being crushed by a stone to the mess
Open your eyes, open them slowly
The moment passed. You're alive. Look at all this
And the cuckoo sings or the jay so godly
Well! Get up!! Just wipe your tears
Right mood (17)
They left, and left in heart the mark
Taking all worries and all sorrows
And ghost of victories in dark
Will hardly me again to bother
I'm standing firm, not dreamed of past
I am ready moving forward now
Not turning my head to the rest
Where pain and trouble, “when”s and “how”s
Go on! The past is left aside
Let this thought shine in me with pride
Moon dreams (18)
I sang to moon, to her sick face
Called out to the winds unseen
But only hear laughter in the space
Belonging to two worlds I’ve been
Why did you stop me, moon, again?
Why did you stop my earthly path?
I thought you were the midnight sun
But in the day you make me wrath
Just stop, I won't sing anymore
I do not need your riddles and dreams
I won't look for your face no more
And will return to lonely team
You hurt so much - beckon and wound
You lunar rays my mind will touch
I'm in a fog without you
I walk, I wander, miss you much
I can't stand it. ‘ll be back. Just wait!
I am your singer, not afraid!
Results of this year (19)
Nothing seems happening for me
All has been standing still for long
But if look back, the dark’s receding
And gives me hint of other song
The events chain which lasts today
Starts counting from distant shores
And thanks to it I’m in this day
And not in mystic dream I was
And all my actions, thoughts and deeds
Identified where I'm right now
And if I tell to someone hints
Then I’ll be helped in turn somehow
Be happy that I’m in not out
That's what I mean without doubt
The right way (20)
When youngsters-forty-year-olds
Will fill the cup of measure by the madness
When wise men will get tired of words
Trying to keep old order’s sadness
The firmament will smile with cry
And with unique and happy smile
And a new symbol‘ll bloom in sky
Forgiving us for little while
And everything that meant to be
Will open up and throw off bonds
And old without stirring sins
Will leave without “pros” and “cons”
We’ll live a bit, but with more fun
We'll see that haven't seen before
And sweet and Early March gold sun
Will satisfy our bleeding core
And all’ll be fine. Isn't path the right?
God, give me might to see right light!
Feelings after the work done (21)
Creation’s over. Final is around corner
How little do we know about what we do create
With everyday and ordinary poems
But truth is that we sing them to the friends one day
Caliph for an hour (22)
He's back in the arena playing pranks on everyone...
the Earthlings group. The song "The Clown"
Fate is decided behind scenes
It’s intertwined moment by moment
And our moans, our screams
Can't stop it even for a moment
Fate –how to see you?
When we are touched by little breeze
You open doors so wide, so true
And hand is wanting to touch this
It's still indistinct and so quiet
For now, everything is there
But gradually left to right
A thread is woven behind thread
And now veils have been torn off
And canvas pattern is at eyes
And the impossible is ready
Your hour’s struck. Go get your prize!
Without a name (23)
You'll never know my name
Not in the whisper of the wind, not in the sparks of the stars
Although "never" is too long for a human life which is always the same
Where I know when it ends and when it starts
With the laughter of the ringing bells
Joy is scattered in the night
And the firelight lifts her back to the sky which she knows so well
Waiting and hoping – just for this I have the right
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