Doctor K

Doctor K won't heal your soul with words
He's got a  Gastroscope  that hums like birds
His magic potions dance in the night
Healing broken hearts with a hidden light

In a city where the shadows lie low
Doctor K's got a clinic that seems to glow
People line up from dusk till dawn
For a taste of the magic he's always on

Oh Doctor K you cure the blues
With secret tunes and funky shoes
You mend the soul with just one glance
Turning pain into a dance

He don't need a needle or a fancy chart
Doctor K just listens to your heart
With vinyl records and tapes that spin
There will be anesthesia that will make you grin

Past the alley where dreams collide
You'll find Doctor K with arms spread wide
Bringing comfort to those who weep
Making promises he will keep

Oh Doctor K you cure the blues
With secret tunes and funky shoes
You mend the soul with just one glance
Turning pain into a dance
